Saturday, 8 February 2025


Will has been visiting every day and I even managed to take a photo of him as he clung to the balcony ledge. The Chaffinch visits more often than it used to do, and a couple of Jays perched on the tree, and I got a few shots, but when they flew over, I didn't manage to take a photo, as they are quick to fly off once they have a peanut in their beak. Today I will just share photos of Will.

I have an appointment in April for my first Cataract surgery, I really need to get both eyes done and then my photos hopefully will be in focus, and much sharper than they are now. For some time now I have noticed that my images are poor, but I can't do any better. I will be linking up to "Saturday's Critters"
Click on the icon on the right sidebar to get there, where you will see many different animals from all over the world.


Marie Smith said...

Will is a beauty. I enjoyed the photos.

Good luck with your surgery. I had both eyes done and the difference in my sight is incredible. Recovery is fast too which was wonderful.

Angie's Recipes said...

The pictures are fine! Will is so cute. All The Best with the operation.

roentare said...

It is so adorable and cute

Irma said...

Dear Sonjia,
It's great that the woodpecker Will is back, you were able to take beautiful pictures of him.
You can see much better after the cataract surgery, I know that because I also had surgery on both eyes.
I wish you a nice weekend.
Greetings Irma

Marit said...

Dear Sonjia :)

Your pictures of Will are very good. I enjoy seeing them, because here "my" woodpeckers have disappeared. The magpies have taken over the whole garden. They have increased in number a lot. So good that you are going to have your eyes operated. It will probably help your eyesight.
All the best to you!
Warm hugs.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

What a handsome fellow he is. I think he is a fine young suitor in disguise come to visit you Sonjia, dressed in his finest livery and pledging his troth. Don’t be surprised if one day he is suddenly transformed into a handsome young prince. Be ready with a kiss. Mine are sent only across the ether, his will be real! Hugs and kisses - David

eileeninmd said...

Hello Sonjia,
I enjoyed seeing Will and your photos are wonderful to me.
The birds do love the peanuts. Wishing you all the best with your eye surgery. Everyone I know is happy with their vision after they have the cataracts removed. Thank you for your critter post and sharing your link. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

Penelope Notes said...

I wish you well. Not only Will but the whole world will come into brighter focus after the surgery. It will be wonderful, according to so many who have had this done in their later years. :)

Jeanie said...

I love the coloring on his face and that bright bit of red. He's a stunner to be sure!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I hope your surgery goes well. This bird loves to pose and knows he is a beauty. That red is so brilliant and bright!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when I had my first one removed, the very next day when the bandage came off, I could see out of that eye so well, that I stood in front of the kitchen cabinets that are white, and covered bad eye good eye and the difference was amazing. easiest surgery I ever had, did not even know when the did it and the instant sight was a miracle

sami niilola said...

The surgery will definitely be successful.

Tom said...

...Sonjia, good luck with your cataract surgeries. They have become commonplace these days. I had both eyes done a number of years ago, one eye was 400/20. Now it 25/20. My distance vision is good, but I always have to have readers with me!

John's Island said...

Dear Sonjia, I sure enjoyed your pictures of Will. 😊 As I looked through the comments I thought David M Gascoigne’s to be absolutely perfect. I can’t top that but I will definitely 2nd it. 😊 Best wishes from Seattle! John

LoveT. said...

Best wishes for the surgical procedure

RedPat said...

What a nice visitor Will is. And he poses nicely for you. Good luck with the eye surgery when it comes Sonjia.

Linda said...

Will is gorgeous. Good luck with your cataract surgery. Hopefully it will not have complications like mine did.

Mae Travels said...

What a beautiful bird!

Bill said...

Will is such a pretty bird. Good luck with the eye surgery.


It’s lovely that Will has become such a frequent visitor! Capturing those small moments with wildlife is always special, especially when they start to feel familiar. Birds can be so quick, so getting a good shot is always a little victory. Looking forward to seeing the photos of Will—sounds like he’s quite the character!

Debbie said...

will, what a beautiful bird. you are so lucky to see him up close and personal, with all his lovely feathers and interesting patterns. good luck with those cataracts, they are a pain but i don't think having them removed is a really big deal!! and your pictures are NOT poor!!!

Lowcarb team member said...

I think Will looks wonderful, I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

Good luck with your eye surgery in April.
Sending my good wishes.

All the best Jan

Veronica Lee said...

How wonderful that Will visits daily! You captured a great moment with him. Jays and Chaffinches can be so quick! Wishing you all the best for your cataract surgery—I’m sure your photos will be even more amazing afterward! 😊

Nick Morgan said...

I do love the Great Spotted Woodpecker. We get them here occasionally, but I haven't seen one in a while. A few years ago we had a nest in an old dead tree, which was a thrill.

Teresa said...

Tus fotografías han quedado preciosas, me gustan mucho. Deseo que tu cirugía vaya muy bien, a mí ya me han operado de los dos y todo fue perfecto. Besos.

La Biosfera de Lola said...

Querida Sonjia veo a Will muy guapo y feliz. Besos y abrazos.

La Biosfera de Lola said...

Querida Sonjia veo a Will muy guapo y feliz. Besos y abrazos.

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