The lovely Silver pheasant is an exotic bird I saw in 2015 in a bird sanctuary. This species of pheasant is found in forests, mainly in mountains of main land Southeast Asia, and southern China, with introduced populations in Hawaii
This is the male Silver pheasant lophura nycthemera,
It's not a very close image, which is a pity, as it's white feathers are extremely beautiful seen at close range.
The body of the male measures up to 125 cm from head to tail but I didn't manage to get the whole length of it's beautiful lace-like tail.
I'm also including the only photo I took of this exotic pheasant.The Golden Pheasant, or Chinese Pheasant, Chrysolophus pictus. It is also native to forests in mountainous areas of Western China, but feral populations have been established in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.....
The Saddle - billed Stork.
Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis.
and one of the largest and most spectacular species of storks. It's a wading bird, a resident breeder in sub-Saharan Africa, from Sudan, Ethiopia, and Kenya, to South Africa and west Africa. It is considered endangered in South Africa.