During these rainy days and nights the rain swamped my balcony as the water would not drain away quickly enough through the small hole which was made for this purpose. I hardly ever have this problem,except when we get storms with constant rain. The storms were violent, and uprooted three of our driveway trees which are enormous.It took my men several weeks to remove them from the road where they had fallen. Finally we had to call in a man with his team of workers to help cutting the wood into logs some of which we sold, and the rest is enough to see our three houses through the winter. For those of you who don't know what I mean, my son and his wife have a house on the property and my foreman lives in the farm house, and I live higher up the mountain, and we all need wood for our wood burners.
Going down the driveway you can see how large the trees are and how tall the branches are
The branches should have been pruned a long time ago. Another image going up the driveway.
It was too dangerous for me to get near the trees as I could have fallen, so Eva took these photos on her phone.
Eva said that they are not very good, meaning you can't really see the tree trunks on the ground for the branches. The one you see is split in half, but all the branches fell. Eva couldn't get near enough to get a good view, that's why I shared the first two images so you can imagine them on the ground.
I found this red toadstool near the studio, it's name is "FLY AMANITA" Amanita muscaria. A muscaria is a fungus with several known varieties or subspecies, and can be rounded or oval. It can grow to 20cm across and 30cm tall. Long ago it was broken up and placed in a jar to kill flies, as it is venomous and that is how it got it's name, and musca means fly in Portuguese.
Back on my Balcony.
The dull light does not do justice to the Chaffinch, a regular visitor to my balcony for sunflower seeds.
The Coal tit
Usually the Blue tits fly in and out of my balcony with a peanut or a Sunflower seed in it's beak, but
this one paused enough time for me to get these two photos.
This Blue tit was a sweet wee creature-
The mischievous squirrel with the red brown body and black tail eats the most, and raids the peanut feeder even after eating all the sunflower seeds I leave out for the Greenfinch, their preferred meal.
The Great tit, and although it's stripe is uneven, I think it might be a male.
I have been seeing some Jays recently, but they haven't jet ventured on to the balcony-
This is a juvenil Chaffinch, sweet little creature
Another image of a juvenile Chaffinch both images were far away and not very clear in the early morning light
The Juvenile Chaffinch.
Misty morning in my garden
One more Jay before I stop making my post, which I will be sharing on Wild Bird Wednesday and Saturday's Critters.