On opening the blinds, I could hardly believe the wind and rain had stopped and the sun was shining. The forecast was rain in a few days time so the men came to cut down the branches on the drive way trees near the house.This is what they look like now. Unfortunately the sun kept disappearing behind the clouds but the rain held off until the evening and thankfully the storms had passed.
The thought crossed my mind that now that the branches had been removed, would the birds still perch on the trees. There were still a few short branches left, but the birds would be more exposed than they had been before and more vulnerable.
The next day I waited to see what would happen No birds flew to perch on the trees, but flew directly to the balcony giving me a better view of them, but not in a natural setting. The railings are looking shabby and worn, but I haven't figured out how to spray paint them without the birds getting paint on their feet.
They all perched on the railings before going to the feeders
This little Blue-tit was so obliging, I managed to take these four photographs.
During the storm I felt very uneasy about the trees being so near to the house, for if they had been uprooted they would have fallen on to the house, as the branches were just as tall as the other trees low erdownthedriveway.
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