Monday 24 September 2012

Hovering 2

The Hummingbird Halk-moth

Tuesday 18 September 2012


A Juvenile Robin

Saturday 15 September 2012


Just recently, I was very kindly honoured in being nominated for the LIEBSTER BLOG AWARD, by Jerry, from The Great Outdoors , a great nature blog and the VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD by Fallar from Las Mira, another very interesting nature blog. I am extremely grateful and thank them both for thinking of me, but will not be accepting them or any other future awards.

After much thought, I have decided it will be this blog's policy not to accept any awards seeing as most of them entail passing them on, and not wanting to discriminate between fellow bloggers and all the fantastic blogs I follow, I feel this is, for me, the best option.

Many thanks again to Jerry and Fallar, and for those of you who don't yet know their blogs, I can tell you they are well worth a visit.

Saturday 8 September 2012

The Water Babes

The Nymph of the Damselfly
At the beginning of summer the nymph leaves the water to begin it's metamorphasis.
The nymth climbs up a reed, the skin splits down it's back and the Damselfly emerges.
I have never been fortunate enough to actually witness this transformation,but thought I
would show the nymth-.cuticle, which eventually dries in the sun and falls in the water.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Dainty Demoiselles

Male Damselfly Arigon Virgo

Female Damselfly-Agrion Virgo
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