Thursday 25 April 2013


The Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos)
Although the Song Thrush goes to the bird table, they prefer feeding from the ground.
They have a beautiful song, with each note repeated several times.

They can be seen in woods, gardens orchards parks, and are common in towns.
I often see the Song Thrush feeding on the ground with Blackbirds and Redwings.
The Song Thrush measures 24cm. It's even brown upperparts and spotted underparts, together with pale yellowish-brown underwing, distinguish it from all other thrushes. Insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates are the main sorce of food but the favourite food is snails. The shells are hammered against stones until they break and the thrush can extract the flesh.

Sunday 21 April 2013

The Outing

The Garden Snail
Helix aspersa

The Shell is 2-5-4cm long with a large rounded mouth. It is mostly chestnut brown with up to five dark brown spiral bands.
They generally have a moist grey skin. Their body produces a guie slime that prevents them from getting cuts, and they can
even crawl upside down with the suction created because of the slime. This slime is not harmful to the hands on contact.

Snails are noctural creatures, find food at night, and hide in the shade during the day.During the winter months they hibernate, but this garden snail was disturbed when my husband was cutting the grass, and was in search of shade.It moved very quicky as garden snails move faster than other snail species. Moving at a steady pace they can move 55 yards per hour, and I was really surprises to see how quickly he moved out of the sun, and into the shelter of the shade


The Garden Snail's head bears four tentacles, the upper two of which have sensors, and the lower two of which are smaller, tactile and olfactory sensory structures. They have poor eye sight and rely on sense of smell and touch to find food. Few low growing plants escape the attentions of the garden snail, and for this reason it is considered a pest by gardeners  because it  can do considerable damage to strawberry crops, courgettes, and many other garden plants.  

I think most of you will probably dislike the snail because of the trail of slime it leaves behind it. It will not be a favourite with gardeners, but it is a curious creature, which I have fondly drawn since childhood. I remember drawing pictures of snails on my bedroom walls before they were newly wall papered, and loved to see illustrations of snails in childrens books. I hope you will not find these images too offensive.

Sunday 14 April 2013

Rotund Robin Redbreast

The Robin
Erithacus rubecula
The robin is common almost everywhere and strongly territorial for most of the year. I never tire of seeing this bright bird in and around my garden throughout the year, and as you can imagine have taken many photos.The robin measures 14cm, the brown back and wings with red or more accurately, rusty-orange face and breast, distinguish it from all other species.It's song is crystel clear, and is a melodious medley of high pitched trills and warbles.This one is perched on one of the numerous new seed boxes placed in the trees,pausing a while to warm up after getting wet in the rain.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

The Mark

The Comma Butterfly
Polygonia c-album


The Comma butterfly is named for comma-like mark on underside of hind wing. The ragged wings are mottled brown and resemble dead leaves which are perfect camouflage for when the adult overwinters in hedges and undergrowth. It measures 24mm,feeds on Hops Stinging Nettle and Elm, and can be seen in light woodland hedgerows and gardens.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

The Lap in Luxury.

The Lapwing
Vanellus vanellus
Hi fellow bloggers! I hope you all had a very Happy Easter. Saw this beauty on my travels, and although I have seen them nearer home, because of the most unseasonable dull and rainy weather, this is one of the few captures I made whilst on holiday.The Lapwing is about 30 cm long. It's black and white plumage is striking enough, but the black feathers also have a beautiful metalic green sheen to them. It is easily recognised by it's long thin crest. It has rounded wings, and flight pattern is zig-zag, with acrobatic rolls and dives. Will be catching up with all your blogs as soon as posible, see you:)
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