Monday, 3 February 2025


On opening the blinds, I could hardly believe the wind and rain had stopped and the sun was shining. The forecast was rain in a few days time so the men came to cut down the branches on the drive way trees near the house.This is what they look like now. Unfortunately the sun kept disappearing behind the clouds but the rain held off until the evening and thankfully the storms had passed.

The thought crossed my mind that now that the branches had been removed, would the birds still perch on the trees. There were still a few short branches left, but the birds would be more exposed than they had been before and more vulnerable.

The next day I waited to see what would happen No birds flew to perch on the trees, but flew directly to the balcony giving me a better view of them, but not in a natural setting. The railings are looking shabby and worn, but I haven't figured out how to spray paint them without the birds getting paint on their feet.

They all perched on the railings before going to the feeders

This little Blue-tit was so obliging, I managed to take these four photographs.

During the storm I felt very uneasy about the trees being so near to the house, for if they had been uprooted they would have fallen on to the house, as the branches were just as tall as the other trees low erdownthedriveway.

Imagine my surprise when I saw a flash of red and a Great Spotted Woodpecker appeared and timidly hid behind the tree trunk before exposing itself, enabling  me to get all the following captures.

The sun had disappeared and these images are rather dark but as I always do when I take a lot of photos I share them all. I hope it is Will, but of course have no way of knowing, but I'm just delighted to have seen it and if it is another woodpecker, there is no reason why it can't have the same name. :)

Will did not fly over to the balcony, even though I had laid out several peanuts, but when I happened to glance through the window later in the day, the peanuts had disappeared.

These images are all very similar, and not very sharp, so if you want to scroll down quickly, that's fine by me, but you can't deny Will has a most appealing look about him.

Handsome little guy.

I hope Will pays me another visit.

Because of the stormy weather and being indisposed, it has been over a month since my last post, I'm sorry if I have not visited as much as I would have liked to do but circumstances prevented me from doing so. I will be linking up to "Wild Bird Wednesday" and "Saturdays Critters" Click on the icons on the right sidebar and they will take you there so you can join in the fun, or see incredible images of wildlife.


LoveT. said...

The storm left many traces. The birds are so pretty, it's great that they came back.
I wish you a very nice new week

Michelle said...

Good to hear from you and I like your photos. Birds always bring me joy when they visit my feeders.

Marie Smith said...

Love the photos. The woodpecker is a beauty! The tree is a sculpture now.

Angie's Recipes said...

Nice weather in winter...any sunshine, however little, is great now. That blue-tit is so gorgeous.

roentare said...

Hope all the best to everything in your life. The woodpecker shots are lovely

DeniseinVA said...

I am very happy for you that this darling woodpecker turned up. Your other bird photos are a delight but can fully understand you wanting them in a more natural setting. When we had our tree taken down I missed not seeing the birds as close as they used to be. I have my feeder bench but it is not quite the same. I am sure your birds will return to the tree eventually. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻 Lovely to see you posting again.

Irma said...

Dear Sonjia,
Luckily the storm is over and there is no damage to your house.
The photos are beautiful, especially the blue tit.
I wish you a nice week.
Greetings Irma

Marit said...

Dear Sonjia :)
It's good that you've had help pruning the trees next to the house. It's scary when it's windy, and there's a risk of damage. You've shown some great pictures of both the blue tit and the woodpecker. They're so cute. It could be Willy, but it's hard to tell the difference. All the woodpeckers have suddenly disappeared here. Instead, there have been many more magpies. I think they've scared the woodpeckers away.

All the best to you!
Warm hugs.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Your trees make me feel sad looking at them, for the sake of your view and the birds not having their branches. we know about storms and trees and sorry you had one so bad. happy they did no fall on your home.. Will is adorable as is the little blue bird on the railing.. glad they came without the tree. here we have a paint that is almost instant drying. maybe ask a painter.. should be some way to get it done or just leave it. we don't care what the railing looks like and neither do your beautiful birds. glad I see you pop up.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Hello, Sonjia: There is an air of desolation about those denuded trees, but sometimes pruning has to be done. The fact that Will returned so quickly is Nature’s way of letting you know that all is forgiven! He will scour the bark and find juicy spiders and other arthropods as he has always done. As for being exposed he is accustomed to that, frequenting dead trees as a daily event, and is alert to predators and able to escape them. All is well. Hugs and kisses - David

sami niilola said...

I completely agree with David. And yes, those birds will return. Greetings.

Rostrose said...

Dear Sonija,
The blue tit is a sweet photo model! 😍 It's best if you forget about renovating the railing - nowadays they call it shabby chic and try to create it artificially, but in your case it came about naturally!
How nice that Will is back (or one of his successors, but like you I want to believe that it's the old Will)!
Fortunately you survived the storm largely well. I understand that it was necessary to have the trees trimmed for safety reasons - they will recover! And as you can see, the birds find a way too. You wrote that you were indisposed, I hope you're feeling well again now!
Hugs and all the best from Austria, Traude

Jeanie said...

That blue tit is so pretty! And I'm so glad Will is back. How long is the rail, I wonder. I'm thinking maybe you could paint it in small sections and somehow block it off with a screen till it dries. I suspect in the heat it wouldn't take too long, though humidity could affect it. Even if you did just one foot a day (for a whole lot of days) and kept seed away from it? I'd hate to see it rot because of it not being covered. Your birds, fantastic!

This N That said...

Hi Sonjia..I never heard of or have seen a great spotted Woodpecker..I guess they haven't found their way to us..Nice pictures..
So sad to see trees cut so severely but it's one of lifes' necessities, I guess..
I hope all is well..

Teresa said...

Por aquí también ha hecho bastante viento y lluvia, los árboles estaban sufriendo, pero ya pasó. Esos pajaritos se ven muy lindos, me alegra que volviese Willy. Espero que ya te encuentres bien. Te dejo abrazos.

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely to see this post.
Your blue tit is beautiful and isn't it good that Will is back.
Look after yourself and enjoy this month of February.

All the best Jan

Nick Morgan said...

Hi Sonjia, I am struggling to keep up with your posts!! I am so glad the weather has improved there and it must be a good feeling to have the trees cleared and trimmed. I had a lot of trees taken down and thinned here last year, as I was concerned they could do a lot of damage if they blew down. I have also been removing a lot of invasive rhododendron and I know what you mean about being worried that we are removing the shelter for the birds. My hope is that native plants will grow in the newly opened up spaces and create nice habitats for them.

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