The Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus |
The Stag Beetle is named for the huge jaws (antlers) of the male,which are used to fight rival males in the breeding season.The female has normal jaws. Size is variable, female up to 30 - 40mm, male to 50 mm - 70. Can be seen in parks with old trees, and old forrests. Adults feed on sap oozing from wounded trees. When I saw this beetle it was in deep shade, and I didn't want to disturb it in case it flew away, so I had to lighten the photos considerably, which accounts for the bluish tinge. Their true colour is black and chestnut. The photos are not good, but it's an interesting beetle to show you.
I think the images came out really well. Did you use flash? It's very impressive how even insects evolved these huge antlers; just like deers which are mammals also do. Nature is something else, isn't it?
Ciekawy owad. Jego rogi groźnie wyglądają. Pozdrawiam.
Curious insect. His horns menacing look. Yours.
What an utterly cool looking beetle! I've never seen one. You did a great job editing so we can see the details of him. Wow.
What a colorful looking bug!!!
fabulous and fascinating!!!
I got speared by one of these whilst camping a couple of tears ago.......
He is an interesting character...He seems to have an almost luminous exterior....
Well, the blue looks great even if it's not the true color. Those pincers looks scary though.
Thanks for being so kind Maria:)I did use flash, but even so was disapointed with the outcome. Nature is as you say something else. All things in nature have a purpose, and these antlers are pretty amazing.
They are menacing Giga. If you see one of these beetles near you,... run!!!
Gail Dixon
Thank you Gail!:)It's only the second time I have seen the Stag Beetle myself, and I live in an área of old forest trees, the ideal habitat for them.
Chris Rohrer
Yes indeed Chris, a beautiful beetle, not as blue as shown here, but never the less very attractive.
Yep! I think so too!
Stuart Price
Oh my word! I'm sorry to hear that Stuart. Must have been pretty painful.
I think the luminous exterior you mentioned must be because of the flash Nancy, but it can look quite shiny depending on the light.
Hi Linda!:)
Yes, those antlers are intimidating. Wouldn't want to get too close to them!
Interesting one!
Wow, huge jaws, Sonjia. Very interesting beetle. I am glad I am not his rivale. Imagine how that must be. Great series. Greetings from the Netherlands, Joke
I think the images are great despite the bluish tinge.The pincers are coloured red to make them look even more menacing.
Fajny owad:)
Amazing photos. I wouldn't want to make him angry...
Ompas otus aikamoinen :)
Hyvät kuvat .
Amazing wonders in my life
Hello! So nice to see you here.:)
Yes, it is an interesting beetle.
Joke (Jokes Camera)
Há há:))) I wouldn't want to be it's rival. One once flew near my face, and it was scary, as they make noise and are quite large beetles.Not a pleasant experience!
Stiletto ElsieXie
Thank you Elsie!:)I believe you're right about the colour of the antlers.Nature has a way of getting it right every time.
Optimistic Existentialist
No neither would I!:) Those antlers must make a nasty nip.
Hi Seija!:)Thank you!:)It is an awsome creature.
These humble creatures that you honor with your shots are so strange to observe in detail ... thanks for these reflections, dear Sonija! I would not try never to take these pictures, but you're there to give me a wonderful chance to a different look.
Rita Vaselli
Good morning Rita!:)The creepy crawly insects of our world are so numerous and varied that it's thrilling to discover new species, at least new to me. I have only ever seen the Stag beetle twice in all the years I have been surrounded by sap oozing trees.This encounter was an exciting moment for me, and I'm happy to share it with you.
As I'm happy to tell you I went to the shoe sales yesterday and bought a pair of boots and a pair of shoes. I thought of you, because I also can't pass a shoe shop without looking in the window!:=)
Enjoy your day Rita dear.X
Nice intro, ha ha. Great photos.
Indeed it is an interesting beetle Sonjia!
I can't resist either to take pictures when I see one!
In the summer evenings they fly around my garden but that is normal considering we live in the woods!
Enjoy your evening!
Bob Bushell
(:Thanks Bob!I couldn't resist a bit of fun.
I can't think why we don´t see more of them, as we live in a mature forest where mainly Pine and Eucalyptus trees grow.Perhaps they have a tree sap preference!
I remember seeing your excellent Stag beetle photos last year.Best I have ever seen.:)
Πιο ωραίες φωτογραφίες δεν γινόταν!!!!
Είσαι μια σπουδαία φωτογράφος!!!
Πολλά φιλιά
Thank you Magda!:)Sweet of you to say so. Wish they were better.
Ui, der wirkt in dieser Größe richtig gefährlich mit seinem "Geweih". Die können auch ganz schön kämpfen damit, wie ich schon in Naturfilmen sehen konnte.
Liebe Abendgrüße
Kleine Waldameise
Yes, those jaws can be quite dangerous weapons.
Many thanks for passing by.:)
Fine!!! Great pictures of this interesting beetle.. :-)))
Looking Awesome!! Nice captures..
Hope you will be a Followers to get my new installments..
Nice shots!!
Wow, it's beautyful insect.
Hi Sonjia!
Seen here,this creature has a "ferocious and intimidating look" about it, although it makes a nice photo...
Great shot!
Have a good week-end.
With a hug
Ana Minguez Corella
Thank you Ana!:)Could have been better, but there is always a next time!
Thank you!:) Have just been over to your blog and am now a follower. Will visit you again soon.
Swati Singh
Thank you!:)
Trollstubben foto
Thank you for your comment.:)
Hi Vitor!:)
I was very disapointed with these shots,but thank you for your nice comment. They are interesting beetles, because of their massive jaws, which I must say do look intimidating.
Enjoy your weekend also.:)
Interesting Beetle and I think we have them in the south of Sweden too. Never seen one live.
Your photos are good enough. In such a situation it´s not easy to get it better.
Have a nice week end.
Best Regards
Fantastic looking beastie :-)
What a wonderful photo's of the beetle Sonjia. Never saw it overhere.
Have a wonderful sunday.
Thank you Monica!:)This beetle is quite common in central Europe, but is best seen in parks and forests with old trees.
Happy Sunday!:)
David Turner
Indeed it is!:)Just like the deer, it does look impressive with it's massive antlers.
See you soon.
Marijke Verdonk
Thank you Marjike!:)Enjoy your Sunday also.
Wonderful captures. The colours and detail are amazing.
Thank you Linda!:)I will be over to see you very soon.:)
These are such fabulous creatures Sonjia I can't understand anyone who doesn't appreciate them. My sister-in-law has them emerge each year in her garden an I'm very envious. I have some logs buried half in the ground which they are supposed to like and we now get Lesser Stag Beetles so I'm keeping hopeful. By the way the URL to Thomas' latest blog post is http://tjblumirephotography.wordpress.com/2014/01/31/pilgrim-harps-time-lapse-video/ As you can see it is wordpress not blogspot and I've had trouble logging-in to leave comments. Have a lovely week. Jerry
Brrr he looks scary but if I look closer, he's beautiful.
Hi Jerry! Yes, logs are a good idea,.. they provide shelter for all kinds of beetles.
Thank you for sending Thomas's link.I already follow wordpress, so I hope I won't have any difficulty.
Enjoy your weekend!x
Congratulations! In our country this beetle is very rare!!! It is wonderful :-)
Best regards from Poland
Dzial Przyrody MSO
Hello!:) Nice of you to comment!
I was just in the right place at the right time, and thrilled to see it. Didn't know it was rare in Poland! Thank you for your visit.:)
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