The Dingy Skipper
Erynnis tages
As I still have plenty of butterfly pictures left over from last year I will be posting some now and again. The Dingy Skipper is a very moth like butterfly,at first glance I thought it was a moth. It is 14mm in size, and commonly perches with wings wide open but wraps the wings around the body at night.
SO beautiful! i love the deep browns and the detail you caught!
Lovely to see a butterfly and brightness again! I have never seen a Dingy Skipper and I didn't realise they were quite so small. I saw some skippers in Spain a couple of years ago and it wasn't until I returned home and looked at the pictures that I realised there were five different species among them. It has been rather dingy in Scotland for the last few weeks!
Maravillosas imàgenes de la naturaleza, lo màs bello de la vida plasmado en estas fotos, enhorabuena y feliz 2014. Saludos desde Venecia
Beautiful photos, and thanks so much for sharing information about it, too, I know so little about butterflies. :)
Wszystkie motyle uwielbiam. Twoje zdjęcia są śliczne. Pozdrawiam.
All butterflies love. Your photos are beautiful. Yours.
nice moth
Not that dingy… there's a richness to those tones. Nice work!
Lovely butterfly ♥
Very nice!
Beautiful and amazing captures. I hope you have an amazing weekend :)
Oh, that is a lovely summery butterfly images.:)
Here it is dark and cold.
Thank you for visiting my blog.
Best wishes for 2014!
A wonderful sight this time of year.
Lovely pictures! You have been very close. Well done.
Awesome my friend. Loving your photos.
What beautiful butterflies you have captured. They are really moth like as you say. It was a while since I visited your blog and I need to come back sooner next time so that I can enjoy your wonderful pictures.
Thank you Theresa!:)I agree,in the sunlight the Dingy Skipper has a rich brown colour that is far from dingy.
Hello Nick!:)The weather here has not been good also, with lots of rain and mist,and in some places flooding. These saved photos were taken in Oct, and it was my first sighting of the Dingy Skipper.I was also surprised at how small they really are.
What an exciting discovery you made in Spain.I'm often surprised at the insects I discover in my pictures that I hadn't realized were there until I see them on screen. Haven't seen many lately. I do hope our weather improves soon.
Thank you Chusa, and thank you for your good wishes also. Lets hope 2014 is a good year for us both.:)
Thank you so much for passing by and your comment.
Thank you Linda.:) Lovely to see you! It's my pleasure to share whatever I can with all my blogger friends.So pleased you like this post.:)
Many thanks Giga. So pleased you like the photos.:)
Há há:)) It does look like a moth Adam, but it is a butterfly!!
Hello Linda!:)
I agree with you Linda. This butterfly has very rich tones, and is quite unigue, as it does not look like any other butterfly.
Yes indeed, a pretty little creature!
Have a good day.
Optimistic Existentialist
Thank you Keith!:)I may have missed seeing it had I not been pruning the lavender.
I hope you have a great day also.
Hi! Here it is quite overcast and cold. We have had a lot of rain and there is more forecast for next week. When winter arrives the saved posts I make come in useful. These were taken last October.So pleased you like them, and thank you for your good wishes.
S. Etole
As the weather has been poor,I had to turn to my saved posts made last year. Glad you like them.:)
Jette Hollesen
So nice to see you here Jette!:)
Thank you for your visit, and your lovely comment.
Thank you linda. What a nice comment!:)
Erik Koffmar
Hello Erik! So nice to see you here!:)Yes, these butterflies are unique, as they do not look like any other butterfly,.. so they are unmistakeable in their moth-like appearance.
Visiting blogs is not always possible, but I do hope you will pass by more often. I will be happy to see you.:)
Σου εκφράζω άλλη μία φορά τον θαυμασμό μου για τις εξαιρετικές φωτογραφίες σου!!!
Πολλά φιλιά και καλή εβδομάδα!
Wonderful butterfly, Sonjia. The second picture is my favorite. I have never seen this butterfly. Looking at your pictures I already miss the summer season while winter hasn't even started here in the Netherlands. Have a good sunday. Greetings, Joke
Beauty of the Dingy Skipper, love it.
Thank you Magda!:)Butterflies are my favourite insect to photograph.
Have a wonderful Sunday.
This butterfly does look like a moth at first glance. Its hairy, rest with wings spread out but its feelers gave it away. These are good shots.
Joke (Jokes Camera)
It's unusual moth-like appearance and tiny dimensions are quite charming. It was my first sighting.
I'm glad you like the second photo, it's one I like also.
I miss seeing insects in my garden
and the rain continues to fall relentlessly, but time passes so quickly. It will soon be Spring!:)
Bob Bushell
Yes, a beautiful butterfly. Tiny Perfection!!
Have a great Sunday.:)
Stiletto ElsiXie
That's right Stiletto! It's a restless butterfly also which makes it difficult to see the feelers, as it flits from flower to flower. Thank you for your nice comment.
Hi Sonjia!
Not as dazzling and impressive as some other butterflies you`ve shown us here, but still a beauty nonetheless.
Great shots, as always...
With a hug
Hi Vitor!:)I agree with you, I have shown more colourful and more showy butterflies but the Skipper's beauty lies in it's velvity appearance and rich copper tones which I'm so pleased you appreciate.
Thank you for your visit and your nice comment. I have passed by your blog twice but blogspot did not respond. I will try again.
Warm hugs.
They are so beautyful.
Great to see you back! I like all the different angles you caught on the butterfly. I am now blogging with Wordpress. The blog address is:
Good morning Karin!:)
Yes, I think they are, and tiny is always appealing. Thank you for your visit Karin.:)
Thank you Maria!:)Thank you for leaving your new blog address. I will contact you soon, as I have missed seeing your wonderful photos.
Wow ! Wonderful butterfly !
Thank you Ella!:)
Muy buena serie, y las fotos muy coloridas. Me gustan mucho las mariposas pero son difíciles de fotografiar. Enhorabuena por tu blog.
Un saludo.
Guillermo Palacio
Thank you for your nice comment and for following my blog.:)
Un saludo.:)
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