Friday 27 September 2024


Thankfully it has been raining heavily for two days, so now the fires are well and truly out, and the garden has also benefited from these downpours.We have also been experiencing very unpleasant blustery winds that lift the fallen leaves swirling high up into the air, and there is also an autumnal chill in the air, so there has been no chance of being outdoors in this sudden change of weather. My daughter Eva takes me to physio and drops me off at the door and picks me up afterwards. Nothing much is happening on my balcony, a few birds quickly fly in to the feeders but just as quickly fly away, so I was without inspiration and at a loss as to what to post, until I thought of all the animals that I have collected over the years, so I hope you will enjoy seeing the miniatures and regular  sized animal ornaments I have in my bedroom

Each square measures 3x3cm

Probably best seen like this

Some miniatures only just fit, but most measure 2 cm or less

The doves on the top of the bird cabinet were the decoration on top of the cake when my late husband and I  celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary

I keep birds in this cabinet


 The tail feather of a buzzard is behind the birds.

On shelves and cupboards

There is also a cabinet full of ornamental rabbits and other miniatures, but it's a little more difficult to see them clearly because of the reflections of my paintings on the facing wall.

Statue of  St Francis of Assisi, Patron Saint of animals.stands on top of the cabinet

This is all for today, I will be linking to Saturday's Critters, and if you would like to check it out, go to my right sidebar and click on the Saturday's Critter's icon which will take you there, where you can see fabulous real live creatures from all over the globe.


Marit said...

Dear Sonjia :)
Your miniatures are so sweet! The birds in the cabinet looks very beautiful. I like porcelain figurines. You must have collected them for many years.
I'm glad you have got a lot of rain. The weather has turned chilly here too. Only 5 degrees C last night.
Take care, and all the best to you my dear friend!
Many warm hugs!

Sharon Wagner said...

My mom collected chickens. I collect cat whiskers. :)

Angie's Recipes said...

What an awesome collection!


The recent rains have brought some much-needed relief, both for the fires and for your garden! It's interesting how quickly the weather can shift, ushering in that unmistakable autumn chill. It’s wonderful that your daughter Eva is there to help you with your physio appointments.

I can see how the change in weather might affect the activity on your balcony, but it's lovely that you've found inspiration in your collection of animal ornaments! Those miniatures and regular-sized pieces must hold so many memories and stories.

Thank you for inviting us into your world, even during this quieter time.

By the way, I just shared a new post on my blog.

LoveT. said...

Good to hear that the fires have been put out.

Your menagerie of animals is beautiful. A great collection. Thanks for showing.
Wish you a very nice weekend

Lowcarb team member said...

So pleased to read that after a lot of rain the wild fires are out.
Here in the UK many areas have too much rain and there has been flooding!
Of course in and around Florida there is Hurricane Helene.
I hope all who may read my comment stay safe.

On a positive note, I did enjoy seeing the photographs of your miniatures, you do have quite a large collection :)

Wishing you a good weekend.

All the best Jan

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