Thursday 19 September 2024


Yesterday the smoke in the air was horrible, the sky was a dark yellow and so was the light. Severe fires are burning in the north of Portugal and the ferocious wind is spreading the fires out of control. The largest fire is 50 km from where I live, but even so ash is falling everywhere. Yesterday afternoon I took a photo of the sun, It looked so strange.

I have not enhanced the colour of the sky at all.

There are a hundred of wild fires all over Portugal, the main ones being in the north and centre regions These deadly wild fires have pushed the firefighters to their limit and much needed reinforcements from the Military Emergency Unit from Spain arrived yesterday to assist with the forest fires. Over 62' 000 hectares have burned already. Everything is so dry after months of intense heat, that as you can imagine I am constantly on alert for there is one in Santo Tirso very near where I live. A concerned  neighbour sent a message to say that his water tank was full should it be needed on my property as a fire had broken out over the ridge of the mountain  and it is still raging today  I went outside in the dark  last night to see if there were signs of flames, but although the sky was reddish, no flames were visible, however there were 70 firefighters combating the flames last night and aircraft's also this morning The sky is clear this morning but the smell of smoke pervades the air, and I can hear the helicopters passing over my house because the fire is not out yet.

The following photos are rather dark




A closer look at the Jay looking right at me

The Wall Brown Butterfly


Camouflage at it's best

Early morning light

To finish a slightly brighter image of one of the many Great tits that visit my balcony

I will be linking up to Saturday's Critters, click on the icon on the side bar to see some amazing creatures from all over the globe.

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