Thursday, 19 September 2024


Yesterday the smoke in the air was horrible, the sky was a dark yellow and so was the light. Severe fires are burning in the north of Portugal and the ferocious wind is spreading the fires out of control. The largest fire is 50 km from where I live, but even so ash is falling everywhere. Yesterday afternoon I took a photo of the sun, It looked so strange.

I have not enhanced the colour of the sky at all.

There are a hundred of wild fires all over Portugal, the main ones being in the north and centre regions These deadly wild fires have pushed the firefighters to their limit and much needed reinforcements from the Military Emergency Unit from Spain arrived yesterday to assist with the forest fires. Over 62' 000 hectares have burned already. Everything is so dry after months of intense heat, that as you can imagine I am constantly on alert for there is one in Santo Tirso very near where I live. A concerned  neighbour sent a message to say that his water tank was full should it be needed on my property as a fire had broken out over the ridge of the mountain  and it is still raging today  I went outside in the dark  last night to see if there were signs of flames, but although the sky was reddish, no flames were visible, however there were 70 firefighters combating the flames last night and aircraft's also this morning The sky is clear this morning but the smell of smoke pervades the air, and I can hear the helicopters passing over my house because the fire is not out yet.

The following photos are rather dark




A closer look at the Jay looking right at me

The Wall Brown Butterfly


Camouflage at it's best

Early morning light

To finish a slightly brighter image of one of the many Great tits that visit my balcony

I will be linking up to Saturday's Critters, click on the icon on the side bar to see some amazing creatures from all over the globe.


Marit said...

Dear Sonjia :)
I have read in the news about the fires in your country. It's so terrible! The climate changes are horrible to vitness. I hope the fire stops, but I guess it must be very difficult and dangerous to be a fireman.
I love to see your beautiful photos. The squirrel is so cute. The Jay must visit you very often, because you have so many lovely photos of it.
Take care my dear friend!
Many warm hugs.

Marie Smith said...

I pray the fire stays far away from your area and everyone is safe!

This N That said...

I guess we aren't the only country that has wild fires..Devastating for sure...I feel sorry for the animals that suffer. We lose our clean air and landscaping, they often lose their lives..So sad!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

fire is the scariest of all elements than can destroy, with water we can maybe swim, with wind we can hold on, with fire there is nothing that stops it. Prayers for your safety and the safety of all your sweet birds and critters. when I see fires raging on the news, and there are many in USA also, my first thought is humans can run from the fires, the animals cannot. it destroy all in its path.
also smoke makes it hard to breathe
a blog friend says they have fires in Greece right now also..

LoveT. said...

Hopefully the fire can be stopped soon. This extent is a tragedy.
The squirrels are cute.

Angie's Recipes said...

So beautiful! Love that shot of full moon.

Irma said...

Hello Sonjia,
Beautiful pictures of the birds and the squirrel.
I hope the fire will be extinguished soon, this is terrible for nature, humans and animals.
I wish you a good weekend.
Greetings Irma

David M. Gascoigne, said...

These wildfires around the world are terrifying in their intensity and their frequency, Sonjia, and the situation is not going to get any better as the planet slowly cooks. I remember a couple of years ago Antonio Guterres declaring that we have moved from global warming to global boiling, and he is right. I am so glad that you stayed safe. Ironically the smoky conditions added an interesting perspective to your pictures. Those of us who are closer to the end of our lives than the beginning are perhaps fortunate. Hugs and kisses - David

eileeninmd said...

Hello Sonjia,
I am so sorry to hear about these wildfires, they are devastating.
I am glad you are safe, the fires are scary. I enjoyed seeing all your lovely birds, the Great Tits, the cute squirrel, the Jay and the butterfly are all great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

Anu said...

Hello. Fires are scary.
Wonderful photo series.

Shiju Sugunan said...

It's scary to think about how quickly wildfires can spread.

Mae Travels said...

The fires seem to be everywhere. I hope that your property and your community are spared. Dry conditions are in so many places.
best, mae at

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Awesome nature photos ~ love all the 'critters' ~ do hope you are safe from the fires ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Bill said...

Your photos are beautiful and I enjoyed seeing them. The wildfires are very scary, stay safe!

RedPat said...

I hope they keep the fire well away from you. I love seeing pics of the visitors that you get. Stay safe.

Teresa said...

Querida amiga, aquí en España estamos sufriendo con los incendios de Portugal, siento mucha tristeza y deseamos que pronto terminen. Pienso que todos esos incendios son intencionados. Te dejo abrazos y gracias por tu visita.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love the birds you see there and the squirrel is very cute. I'm so sorry about the wildfires. I hope they are under control SOON!

sami niilola said...

That butterfly is really beautiful. Greetings.

DeniseinVA said...

Your photos are wonderful! I am very sorry to read about your wildfires Sonjia. They are devastating to everyone. I hope they can be brought under control very soon. Far away and still seeing the ash float down, I remember when Mount St. Helens erupted. We lived 800 miles away and yet I was picking ash out of my hair, catching it as it fell, at first not realizing what was going on. The sky was just like your photo. The firefighters are amazing people, we owe them our never ending gratitude and I always send a prayer that they stay safe. And I will do the same for you my friend.

Nick Morgan said...

Hello Sonjia, The forest fires are horrendous. I really hope they are controlled very soon. It is ironic to see how much rain has been falling over Germany and Poland these last few days. All of this extreme weather makes me feel lucky to live in drizzly Scotland! I just wish that politicians would start taking climate change seriously. Surely there is enough evidence now to prove that we need to reduce the amount of carbon we put into the atmosphere. Our local authority declared a climate emergency, but it hasn't made any difference to any of their policies and they still approve planning applications to build more houses and industrial units.

Yvonne said...

Love the Jay photo, but all of them are great. I can only imagine how scary the wildfire situation is. Years ago we did see a wildfire burning over a ridge near the rosd we were on and that was quite a site. I was glad to put it in the rear view mirror. Take care and stay safe.

Veronica Lee said...

What a scary situation to be in! The yellow sky and ash falling must feel so surreal. I’m glad your neighbor offered to help with his water tank—stay safe with the fires so close. It’s amazing you still managed to capture some beautiful shots of the birds and the butterfly despite everything. I really hope the firefighters get things under control soon!

Lasse said...

Hi Sonjia, Not pleasent to read about that fire. Hope you have managed well, looking forward to next report. You have good company in your garden with the Great tits and others. Greetings Lasse

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Thank you for sharing about the severe fire conditions in Portugal. I was not aware of it. I hope your community is spared, but I'm sure the air quality must be difficult. Your photos are beautiful of these little critters.

Linda said...

Stay safe!

Lowcarb team member said...

Wildfires are so scary. The air quality cannot be good!
Worldwide our countries are affected by so many difficult weather conditions.
Please stay safe.

I did enjoy seeing your photographs.

All the best Jan

La Biosfera de Lola said...

Querida Sonjia me aterran los incendios, siempre me dejan tremendamente triste. Muchos besos.

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