Friday, 16 September 2022

THE CRESTED TIT Lophophanes cristatus

So far, I have had my fair share of ups and downs this month, The chemist gave me the wrong medication, which looked exactly like the box I had just finished but was in fact a much stronger dose than I needed. It was my daughter Eva who discovered the cause for the stomach cramps I had been suffering for over two weeks and phoned me immediately she found out. When I stopped taking it, those awful pains subsided. Another downer was a visit to the eye specialist who told me I have Cataracts in both eyes, the reason for my blurred vision. My computer went berserk and drove me to distraction for a number of days, and my mouse refused to work, so I did what I always do, when I'm a little stressed, I sat out on my balcony, and watched the birds, and even took these photos of the cute Crested tit.

It started raining at last, and has rained heavily all week, something to be thankful for, and we have even had a few sunny periods in between, but whatever else may have happened, which I won't go into now, I can always rely on my lovely balcony birds to turn up each morning, which gives me enormous pleasure. They are usually of the Tit species, and I love them all, but there is one that I have a particular penchant for and that is the Crested tit.

Crest up or down, immature or mature, I am privileged to see the Crested Tit every day of the year and hear its happy call. The trilling sound alerts me to their presence before I see them. They are not a colourful bird, like the Blue tit, but they are so distinctive with the black markings round their little faces and black collar, black eyes and beak, and their wonderful head crest.


John's Island said...

Hello Sonjia, I’m sorry to hear you’ve not been feeling well, but one would certainly not know it by looking at the photos you have taken of the Crested Tit. Wonderful selection of images! I can see why this bird is one of your favorites! I imagine you sitting on your balcony, camera in hand, and clicking these excellent images. It is clearly a wonderful way to relieve the stress that life often throws at us. Now, about the Cataracts … Yes, I had the surgery … both eyes … about 3 years ago. The surgery is not bad at all and my eye sight is so much better. Go forward without fear! 😊I send you best wishes for the weekend ahead. Thank you, as always, for your kind comments on my blog. John

Marit said...

Dear Sonjia,
I'm so sorry to read about your health problems. I hope your medicine works well now.
Your photos are so wonderful, and I love your "stressed" photos. I have never seen the Crested Tit here where I live, but I know it lives near by.
Take care of yourselves. All the best to you.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Thank you for sharing your happy place with us -- and the beautiful tit who frequents it. This is such a lovely post and I hope that means that your computer problems have been solved. .... the part about the chemist's mistake is frightening. We both take several prescriptions each and it would be so hard to figure out which one caused a reaction. We all simply trust those professionals not to make such errors but I can imagine it happening. I hope they exchanged the wrong one for the correct dosage! So glad your daughter noticed the error.

roentare said...

You have captured crested tit so beautifully. The plumage and the eyes are just exquisite.

Mike Attwood said...

You certainly are having problems Sonjia. Chin up, I am sure you will come out on top. Lots of us have had problem with Blogger but I think they are getting them sorted now. Take care and I hope you are better soon.

Lowcarb team member said...

So sorry to read about your health problems, I hope all is now sorted with your medication.

Nature can certainly ease stress ... I did enjoy seeing your photographs, such a lovely bird.

Enjoy the coming weekend.

All the best Jan

Teresa said...

El reportaje me parece precioso, me encanta ese pájaro. Espero que todo vaya bien. Un abrazo.

Lasse said...

Hello Sonjia, sorry to hear about your problems. Lucky that your daughter discovered the medicin problem. The cataract will noweradys rather easy be operated. Hope you get through that too.
The crested air is a favourite for me too. Nice photos !
Regards Lasse

Irma said...

Wrong medicines really cause a lot of complaints, I hope you are doing better now.
Cataract surgery isn't that bad, as long as you don't get complications like I had.
You have photographed this crested tit wonderfully.
I wish you a good weekend.
Greetings Irma

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It's bad enough to deal with aches and pains that arrive naturally at your body, Sonjia, without having to contend with others caused by the wrong delivery of medications! I am glad that you got it all sorted out. Thank goodness that Eva was so vigilant. As for cataract surgery, I have had it and it is so quick you don't even know it has been done. All the drops you have to take are more inconvenient than the surgery itself. So go ahead without even the slightest trepidation. The results are phenomenal. You will be able to see those wonderful Crested Tits even better than ever. And that's reward enough! Many hugs - David

Rostrose said...

Dear Sonjia,
you did a really good job of relieving your stress by going on the balcony. Your little crested tits are an adorable and stress-relieving sight! Unfortunately we don't see them in our garden, there are mainly great tits, sparrows and blackbirds and (rarely) one or two black redstarts.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that the rest of September won't bring any nasty surprises and that your life will develop in a more pleasant direction!
Hugs and all the best,
PS: Here it's raining, too.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Beautiful captures of the tit. Hope your health issues will be resolved soon.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the pics with the crest up! looks so sweet and adorable. Sorry things re running amuck right now, prayers for everything to be worked out.
So glad your daughter figured out the meds mixup. that happened to hubby once, with his blood pressure meds, i figured out it was doubled in strength.
About the cataracts, bob and I both had both of ours removed and this was the easiest surgery ever, did not even know it happened. i fretted myself sick until I had the first one, and the second i knew how easy it was so no fret at all. plus it was a miracle when i could see, even with just one eye completed.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Sonjia

Your Crested Tit is a beautiful bird. Your photos are all lovely. I would enjoy sitting on your balcony watching these cute birds too. I am glad you can give you some relief from a stressful time. It is good you found out about the medicine being wrong, I hope all is well now. My sister just had the cataract surgeries, she is really happy now with her vision. I hope all goes well for you too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Mae Travels said...

Beautiful bird photos! I hope you soon feel better.

best… mae at

Tom said...

..I can see why it's called crested! A few years ago I cataract surgery in both eyes, now I can see!

Richard Pegler said...

Enjoying the company of Crested Tits sounds like the perfect cure for stress, Sonjia. Perhaps they should be available on medical prescription?! I certainly feel more relaxed after viewing your delightful photos of this charming species.

I hope that you are continuing to recover from all your recent trials and tribulations. Life has been rather unkind to you lately.

Take good care and stay safe - - - Richard

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The wrong medication can sure mess you up. I hope you are better now. Love seeing your bird pics!

carol l mckenna said...

these photos are awesome ~ I can see why you love this crested tit ~ it is so beautiful ~ fascinating ~ Xo

Wishing you good heatlh, laughter and love in your days,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Andree said...

You have had the week and I am so sorry. Thank goodness we have Nature to help us cope. The photos are brilliant! I read your profile and I can identify with it so deeply. We both accidentally fell into photography and have used it to express ourselves. One more thought: daughters. They care for us so well. Bless her.

Jenn Jilks said...

I'm so sorry for your health issues.
I had my cataracts removed in 2020 and it was such a relief!
Take care! Keep those amazing photos coming. Your faithful fans appreciate them.

Phil Slade said...

You're having a tough time Sonjia. My wife has both cataracts sorted ,I'm sure your own can be treated well. Posing from Spiti Oneiro Skiathos.

RedPat said...

It has not been a nice month for you. It is good you got out to see some birds.

Nancy Chan said...

So sorry about your health issues and the problem with the computer and mouse. Thanks to the beautiful birds that help to cheer you up. Take care and stay safe.

Teresa said...

Espero que ya estés bien. Dices que vives en Santo Tirso, estuve allí en 2019, me gustaría verte, si alguna vez vienes por España, Extremadura, házmelo saber. Un abrazo.

Linda said...

Sweet bird! I’m so glad your daughter was able to help you.

Jeevan said...

Lovely capture of your balcony visitor, and I'm glad the tit birds visit to keep you happy even when you can't go out in search of birds. Cataracts, I think, are a natural part of the aging process.
Please take care, and I wish you well.

This N That said...

Hi Sonja..Sounds like your month hasn't started out very well..Glad your daughter caught the med error..Cataracts are no big deal..Just had my first one done and am so happy with how much better I see..Medicare covers the surgery and the lens implant..You'll be surprised how much clearer those birdies are..Hope your computer is better..That would drive me nuts!! Have a better rest of the month..

Hootin Anni said...

What marvelous portraits!! My question is how are you so lucky to get such wonderful poses? It would certainly fly off as soon as it sees my camera come out.

Thank you so much for joining us at I'd Rather B Birdin'this week.


DeniseinVA said...

I am so sorry to read about the problems you had with your meds. Hurray for your daughter who figured it out. Do hope you have no problems from here in. Marvelous photos of this darling bird. I enjoyed them very much, thank you!

La Biosfera de Lola said...

Querida Sonjia siento mucho tus problemas de salud y espero que se solucionen pronto. Las cataratas con la operación y un poco de cuidado pronto te dejara ver de nuevo con claridad. Preciosas fotos de un ave adorable. Besos y abrazos.

sami niilola said...

Lovely little bird. I like a lot.

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