Tuesday, 27 September 2022


I had a lot of fun this year searching for grasshoppers and crickets, it's amazing just how many there are, even in a small space near the garage I found four, one of them being the Blue Winged Grasshopper, Trimerotropis cyaneipennis.

The Blue Winged Grasshopper owes its name to the bright blue hind wings, which can only be seen when the grasshopper is in flight. The hind wings that are used in flight, fold like a Japanese fan, accordion-like, when not in use, concealed beneath the tegmina. The grasshopper is most common in rugged mountainous terrain, and cryptic when resting among rocks. Besides the blue wings, they can be identified in part by the bright blue shin segment of the hind leg. They don't actually fly, but can glide several metres, and they are incredibly beautiful in flight, much more like a butterfly than a grasshopper. I never have been able to photograph one in flight.

You can see a little of the blue shin segment in this and the next image.

Juvenile Egyptian Locust

It doesn't look at all like the adult, but the vertical striped eyes are the same

The adult Egyptian Locust

The Bush Cricket.

They are usually browner in colour, but surprisingly this one was red. 

Side and back view of an extremely large Great Green Bush Cricket.

Extremely small grasshopper, which I have found hard to ID, and also the subsequent images.

Even smaller cricket.

 A tiny cricket enlarged several times.

 Another grasshopper, and all these insects were found in the garden and on the farm. With time I hope to find out all their names.   

Finishing with some balcony birds.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

A captivating post, Sonjia, with terrific photographs. I too find grasshoppers fascinating creatures, well deserving of our attention, with incredible diversity. I think that for many they conjure up plagues like those described in ancient references, but of course this rarely occurs. Of all the birds you present regularly I am sure that both the Blue Tit and Crested Tit capture the hearts of everyone. I would love to see either one of them again. Hugs - David

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I just love your cute balcon birds, I would love to have all or any of them outside our home.
the crickets and grasshoppers are awesome photos. they are so intereseting, all of them.

sami niilola said...

Wow. Awesome crickets and grasshoppers. It would be nice to see these insects someday.

Marit said...

Dear Sonjia,

Grasshoppers are beautiful insects, and so are your photographs of them. The Blue Tit is so pretty, and it's one of my favorite birds in the garden.

All the best to you!

Rainbow Evening said...

beautiful photos of insects and birds....

Love insects sound during summer....

Have a great day

DeniseinVA said...

Another wonderful series! So enjoyable! Thank you :)

Jenn Jilks said...

I do like the wee critters!

roentare said...

Simply stunning shots of critters and birds.

This N That said...

Love your balcony birds. Great shots of the grasshoppers and the crickets. I hear crickets in my garage every night talking to each other. They actually answer each other. Pretty comical

Teresa said...

Todos se ven preciosos. Me preguntaste ¿ porqué en Santo Tirso ?, el hotel estaba ahí, y nos quedaba cerca de Oporto, Braga, Guimaraes y otros pueblos más. También Santo Tirso tiene un monasterio interesante para ver, y el hotel muy bueno. Abrazos.

Nancy Chan said...

Thank you for the beautiful shots of grasshoppers, crickets and birds.

Irma said...

What beautiful photos of the insects.
But as a bird watcher I think the birds are the most beautiful and photos 14 and 17 are my favorite the blue tit and the crested tit.
Greetings Irma

Yvonne said...

All beautiful photos. I find the crickets and grasshoppers really interesting.

Sharon Wagner said...

Frisky bugs and fun feathered friends. Lovely.

Cloudia said...

Those sweet balcony birds live on those fascinating insects. How wonderful that you have taken these great pictures

Manuel said...

Aunque me dan un poco de yuyu los saltamontes, no dejo de reconocer las excelencias de tu reportaje, con alguna imágenes de una ejecución insuperable.
Gracias por compartir.
Un cordial saludo.

Richard Pegler said...

Greetings, Sonjia. I have really enjoyed your super images of the grasshoppers and crickets. I know little about the various that we have in UK but always enjoy trying to photograph them, although this year I have found it not easy.

I am still very envious of your Crested Tits. It is a long while since I last saw one.

Stay safe - - - Richard

Phil Slade said...

Those are terrific photos of your crickets and grasshoppers Sonjia. Made all the more appealing to me because I am pretty sure we in the North of England have few if any with which to compare. I remember seeing something very much like the Egyptian Locust in Menorca. This is a branch of Citizen Science that you clearly enjoy and also excel in your appreciation and desire to further your knowledge.

Lowcarb team member said...

You've got some great captures of the grasshoppers and crickets.
Always enjoyable to see your balcony birds.

Enjoy the remainder of September, the year is passing by so quickly.

All the best Jan

Shiju Sugunan said...

Superb macro shots of the insects. I enjoyed the bird pics too.

Andree said...

Your grasshopper and our Carolina grasshopper (Dissosteira carolina) look amazingly similar, so I had to look at the taxon and found that they are sort of like cousins, at least in the same Subfamily Oedipodinae of Band-winged Grasshoppers. Close enough for me! And Trimerotropis cyaneipennis is in the southwestern US, also! I found a photo of the wings and they are beautiful. Crickets! They are so difficult for me to find and then photograph. But a friend captured a ground cricket and I finally got one. They are so oddly constructed! Thank you.

carol l mckenna said...

Oh very professional critter series of photos ~ love the little birds ~


Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I think it's hard to ID grasshoppers but you did a great job! Love all of your photos this week...everything is especially colorful!

ashok said...

Awesome clicks!

orchid0324 said...

Wow, LOVED to see all gorgeous critters & thank you SO much for your comment; Lots of Love Miyako

Anni said...

Enjoyed the balcony birds!!!
I wonder how you can get such detailed insect images...for me, they move all too quickly. You definitely have the "magic touch"!

Enjoy the week ahead & thanks for linking in this week

Pooja Mahimkar said...

Such interesting pictures!

Tom said...

...you have soon fabulous images. By now I should be seeing grasshoppers, but I haven't. Thanks for your visit, enjoy your week.

Tom said...

...you have soon fabulous images here today. By now I should be seeing grasshoppers, but I haven't. Thanks for your visit, enjoy your week.

Bill said...

Wonderful macro shots of the small critters. It is a pleasure to see them up close. Enjoy your day!

Linda said...

Awesome shots of the insects, and I love that last little bird.

NatureFootstep said...

the first grasshopper seems to be covered with clay. Probably a good way to hide itself :)
The large green one seems to be similar to one we have in Sweden :)
Nice post!

betty-NZ said...

Such a fabulous collection of critters! Lovely to see.

R's Rue said...


Lea said...

Pretty birds!
Excellent photos of the grasshoppers and crickets! The small ones might be the immature forms of the adults. Young ones and adults do not always look the same.
Thanks for your comment on my blog!
Have a wonderful week!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Sonjia,
Awesome shots of the grasshoppers. I do not see them often, or they are hiding from me. I love the cute balcony birds, they are adorable. I was away on a trip and now catching up on my blog visits. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. I enjoyed your critter photos. Take care, have a great new week. PS, I appreciate your comments on my blog.

Germán Ibarra Zorrilla said...

Espectacular reportaje, me han gustado mucho todas las fotos. Enhorabuena!!! Un fuerte abrazo desde el norte de España.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I loved this post Sonjiia . Of course your birds are beautiful as always, and I am fascinated this time by your photos of the grasshoppers, cricket and locusts. They are a beautiful reminder that there is always something interesting to find in nature if only we look! Not only interesting, but also something new to learn, and (in your photos especially) something beautiful!

Thank you for sharing -- and for the motivation you have given me to try harder to look for the less obvious beauty!!

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful pictures

Sharon Wagner said...

Grasshoppers are so prehistoric!

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