It's a long time since I shared a few flowers from the garden, and Camelias are looking pretty just now.
The early Daffodils didn't last long, but I enjoyed their cheerful yellow blooms whilst they lasted.
Another Camelia, .. I love them, and the garden soil is acidic so they do really well, as do the Azaleas.
This delicate pink Camelia is not in bloom at this time of year, but I wanted to share it with you today.
One last Camelia,
This Mole Cricket found in our pool, was recued by hubby, and immediately started to burrow underground. They make extensive tunnel systems that may reach a depth of over a metre
The European Mole Cricket, Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa, the scientific name derives from the latin, "gryllus" meaning cricket, and "talpa" mole, because of it's similarity to the mole both in looks and subterranean habits. It's body is brown, and covered in fine velvity hairs, and the forelegs are modified for digging.
We were going down towards our main gate, when we saw this pretty duck sitting by one of our water tanks
If you would like to see more critters or birds, click on the links below. My thanks to Stewart, Eileen, and Anni for hosting these wonderful memes.