Wednesday, 5 March 2025


Squirrels have become a bit of a problem. I don't mind one or even two squirrels at a time on my balcony,....but five! No no no! They come from different directions and are now the first creatures to arrive here. I don't chase them away immediately I do let them eat something, but when I think they have had enough I go outside and chase them away. They don't go far however, just up trees to wait until I go inside and then they return. The only good thing about it is I'm able to take their photos

This is the only squirrel photo taken when the sun was shining.

When they return I go outside again, clap my hands, and shout words I won't write here, and they get the message, as I'm sure you do too, :) and I see them scamper over the roof, or run down the driveway.

The next four images were taken of the same squirrel  grooming himself whilst he waited.

When I'm sure they have gone, I replenish the feeders for the birds.

I found these two photos in my files taken a few years ago in the garden.  

I don't think I shared them so I am including them here. 

The Blue-tit

Enjoying a small piece of cake.

Greenfinch in the rain.

The Robin likes to eat from the ground, so I make sure there are plenty of crumbs scattered about.

By evening there is not a crumb tin sight.

The squirrels take the shelled peanuts with them, so I put more on the ledge for Will and the Jays.

These photos were taken last week when the weather was overcast, but next week it is going to be sunny.

Will  came to my balcony yesterday,

I can see Will from a distance, he has been visiting this conifer tree every day and is making a hole.  

Pausing in a tree before coming over for a peanut.

Linking up to Wild Bird Wednesday and to Saturday's Critters,

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