Wednesday, 24 April 2024


Every morning  after I have had my mid morning coffee I take a stroll around the garden, camera in hand, and then I make my way down to the garage where the Pyracantha hedge is now in flower. These photos were taken this week.  

Santa Teresa Rose

Red Admiral butterfly.

Coal Tit

All the above photos were taken in the garden

Now that the leaves are on the trees it is not so easy to see the Jays. 

I saw the Jays as I walked down the driveway.

At the hedge my first sighting was of a Marsh Fritillary a gem of a butterfly.                     

These yellow flowers grow near the hedge, and more often than not have bugs or other kind of insects on them, ideal for photographs. 

Some flowers are still in bud, whilst others are fully open, on which dozens of different insects flew from flower to flower in frenzied activity.

My second sighting of a butterfly was of a Short-tailed Blue 

These tiny yellow flowers unknown to me,made a carpet underfoot so I had to be careful where I walked to avoid the bees and other insects as they were busy flying from one flower to another just doing what comes naturally. It was difficult to focus on one, but there were many to chose from.     

A micro moth was also flitting around, but I managed to get a shot.

These bees were also tiny.

A wild flower caught my eye.

Same wild flower.

Hover Fly

A Scorpion Fly, a little out of focus, as it alighted on the flower just for an instance and fearing it would fly away, I quickly took a shot. 

Another interesting insect.

Brush Beetle.

Banded Brush Beetle.

Wild Periwinkle.

Hover Fly.

This insect looked scary.

Small Bee.

A Flesh fly unfortunately only the back end, as it quickly moved away.

Hover Fly.

On my way back to the house I saw this Common Sand Wasp.


Lucyna Drozłowska said...

Owady na twoich fotografiach wyglądają jak ozdoby i są piękne.

Marit said...

Dear Sonjia :)
What a beautiful collection of photos! Your roses are very pretty. It's amazing that you have visit of so many butterflies, but you live in a very different climate than me. They are so fragile and beautiful.
All the best to you my dear friend, and many hugs!

La Biosfera de Lola said...

Querida Sonjia sin duda un paseo muy muy agradable y lleno de belleza. Besos y abrazos.

LoveT. said...

You are a gifted photographer.
The pictures are beautiful.

Rian said...

Found your site via Debbie's. Love all your photos, but especially love pale pink roses! Will be back to check out more of your blog later.

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Muy interesantes todas las fotografías. Una paseo muy gratificante.
Un saludo.

Angie's Recipes said...

Gorgeous shots! I love esp, those macro shots of butterflies.

roentare said...

The blue jays are lovely. So are the butterflies and bees.

Marie Smith said...

Oh the wild life…love the insects, blooms and birds. Nature at its spring best! Great photos.

Mike Attwood said...

Another nice set of pictures Sonjia. Regards Mike.

Lowcarb team member said...

Through your photographs I too had a lovely stroll with you.
The sightings you've shared of birds, butterflies and insects are all so nice to see.

Wishing you more pleasant strolls around the garden :)

All the best Jan

Michelle said...

This is a lovely series! I am loving this time of year and you have captured it so well.

Stewart M said...

You may not be able to see the Jays, but I suspect that you will hear them! A very noisy bird!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Irma said...

What a beautiful series of photos these are.
There are beautiful roses in your garden and there are so many butterflies.
I enjoyed your photos.
Greetings Irma

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Good morning, Sonjia: What a wonderful selection of photographs, with everything identified too. It is such a pleasure to read this account of your daily meanderings in the garden. I am sure that everyone is filled with envy. It must be exceptionally agreeable to have these regular visits from the jays, secretive birds, but accessible to the determined viewer. It is a veritable oasis that you have at hand, and you take full advantage of it. Bravo! Hugs and kisses - David

sami niilola said...

Amazing insects and butterflies. And of course Robin, one of my favorite birds.

Richard Pegler said...

A gorgeous collection of beautiful photos of flowers, insects, and birds, Sonjia. THank you for 'taking me' on a walk around your garden. It was the tonic that I needed!

Best wishes - - - Richard

Debbie said...

what a lovely walk in the garden!! I took a picture of the yellow flower with my phone and it is identifying it as a moth orchid (phalaenopsis). your images are really special, the insects are in focus beautifully. it is nice that you are seeing butterflies already, it will be many weeks before we see butterflies here. the blu one was exceptional!!

as you said, it is so difficult to capture the birds in the trees now, with all the flowers and leaves. thanks sonjia, i really enjoyed your post!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Favorite Pic today is the small bee. love it and the flowers and wow you found a lot of curious insects. the flowers are great and i would love to have your garden to walk and photograph. ours is all non flowers from drought and i miss our butterflies . without flower they don't come

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a wonderful walk around your yard and gardens Sonjia. Thank you for taking me along -- It really does feel as if I could have been there -- your pictures and words are perfect! The Jay peeking out between the leaves is cute -- you have a great eye to catch him with your camera. And the flowers and butterflies are all wonderful. The second butterfly you saw (the blue one), at first I thought it was a flower! (I guess it is a flying flower !)/

Jeanie said...

What a fabulous way to begin your day with the flowers, butterflies and birds. I'm glad you take your camera with you on these strolls and share the results with us, because it is truly beautiful in every way.

Veronica Lee said...

WOW! Your photos are jaw-droppingly beautiful!
I love how you've spotted the tiny details, like the Jay hiding in the trees and the Scorpion Fly on the flower.
It's like a treasure hunt in your garden!

I really enjoyed this lovely stroll with you, Sonjia.

Tom said...

...Sonjia, we have been busy enjoy both flora and fauna. I've seen several white admirals this year and I look forward seeing more butterflies as our spring warms up. Take care and be well.

RedPat said...

Such a wonderful series, Sonjia. I'm impressed that you could identify all of those insects! Thank you.

carol l mckenna said...

wow! amazing nature photography ~ each one so special ~ thanks,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Shiju Sugunan said...

Awesome shots! Your garden sounds like a spring paradise - beautiful flowers buzzing with happy insects and birds!

Shiju Sugunan said...

Awesome shots! Your garden sounds like a spring paradise - beautiful flowers buzzing with happy insects and birds!

Barwitzki said...

Everything that crawls and runs and flies in the garden... you took great photos. I am also happy to see every winged animal, large or small, on my walks.
Thank you very much for your beautiful photos.
I wish you a great Sunday. The sun is shining its most beautiful light here... now again. Pure joy.
Hug from Viola

David James Slater said...

Good Afternoon Sonjia,
Lovely photos.We do not have anywhere near as many varieties of butterflies as you do. Perhaps because it is still too cold.Starlings have made a nest in the gutter pipe of the house opposite but I have not seen the nestlings yet, although next door's cat has left a dead body in my drive and it looks like a baby starling.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love when you see a beautiful bloom and get the added bonus of a bee or butterfly. That brush beetle is quite a cute critter too!

Penelope Notes said...

Oh, wow, gorgeous photos. And you certainly know the details about flowers. :)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love seeing insects in blooms and you have great number of those. Many of the insects are unfamiliar to me.

Teresa said...

Un precioso reportaje de los que me gustan a mi, has visto de todo en tu paseo. Gracias y abrazos.

Rostrose said...

Dear Sonjia,
I can literally smell the roses when I see your photos! And your garden is obviously a paradise not only for birds and plants, but also for countless insects. You are clearly doing everything right! I am very happy about this beautiful post!
Hugs, all the best and a good start into May, Traude

eileeninmd said...

Hello Sonjia,
Sorry I am late visiting and commenting.
What a lovely post, so many beautiful nature photos.
I love all the birds and butterflies and the pretty flowers.
Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post.
Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.
PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

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