It rained in the night, so I went out in the garden this morning to see if I could find anything of interest, as I didn't have much to share, so here are the photos I took. Some wonderful surprises as well.
A very large Camellia tree
A closer look at the Camellias.
Under cover Mushrooms.
I never noticed these spiders webs when they were dry.
A lot of my shrubs are covered with these small tightly woven webs.
Ivy, birds love their berries.
Bright red berries yet to flower.
A leaf enclosed in a mushroom.
Azalea flower.
When I first looked at these mushrooms, I thought they were leaves.
More mushrooms.
Another Azalea.
Leaves still hanging on.
Azalea coming into bud.
Another Mushroom.
I'm sharing another flower like the one above, because they are so pretty.
Raindrops on Cacti.
Another Azalea in bud.
Trees in mist.
Raindrops on Cacti.
Back on my balcony I captures two Blue-tits and a Great-tit.
The Firecrest returned.
Not a very good photo, but it took me by surprise, and I was lucky to get this image.
I am overjoyed that it came to the feeder again.
A lovely stray cat with a luscious black tail and attractive markings.
These sightings were another surprise, both images taken from my balcony.
First flower on Jade Plant.