Friday, 24 November 2023


Last week I had a total rest from blogging, and the swelling on my knee is much better for abstaining from sitting too long at the computer. I have a timer, set at 15 mins and then I stop whatever I'm doing, get up , lie down, and elevate my leg, so this post will take rather a long time to accomplish. Whenever I can, I  photograph nature from my window, and now that the leaves have fallen, I can see  many birds perched on bare branches that I haven't seen for quite some time, but the highlight for me was when a Great Spotted Woodpecker came onto my balcony, and I managed to take quite a few photos which I am eager to share with you today, all twenty of them. :=) I know it's a lot, but this experience may never happen again.


Unfortunately I forgot to put these images in sequence, they are all mixed up, but you will soon get the picture. Every morning I place some peanuts in their shells along  the ledge of my balcony, where I can see them from my window, hopefully waiting for a  Squirrel, a Jay, or the Woodpecker to show up for a close photo shoot. Previously the Woodpecker had picked up a large peanut and flown off to eat it elsewhere until one day it came onto my balcony and settled down to eat them on site. I watched with a great deal of pleasure as it worked it's way along the mossy ledge coveting the nuts by hiding at least two or three under it's breast, whilst hammering away at another 

These moments were very special, and the only reason it suddenly took flight before finishing off all the peanuts was because  my flash went off by mistake, and just when the Great Spotted Woodpecker was feeling confidently at ease on my balcony. It may now return to it's previous habit of picking up a peanut and eating it elsewhere.     


roentare said...

Love the close up of woodbecker

Marit said...

Hello dear Sonjia:)

I'm so happy that you lie down and take care of your leg. It sounds very wise to do so. Beautiful photos of the spotted woodpecker. I'm always so surprised that you have the same birds who live here. I see the woodpecker every day here. I love to see it, because I think it's a lovely bird.
Take care, and have a wonderful weekend my dear blogfriend. Many hugs.

DeniseinVA said...

These moments captured with our cameras are treasures! Wonderful images of the Great Spotted Woodpecker. Thank you so much for sharing them and I am happy that the swelling in your knee has gone down. Good idea to get up after the 15 minutes. Time can go by so quickly when we are focused on the computer. Happy day to you :)

eileeninmd said...

It is a good idea, to take care of you and your knee.
I love your beautiful Great-spotted woodpecker.
What a great visitor. Awesome collection of photos.
Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

Angie's Recipes said...

I always rest my legs up on the table when I am sitting at the computer :-)
The woodpecker looks really beautiful.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are my MadSnapping Twin. I would have kept taking photos until it left. i love that it hoarded 3 peanuts and it is fascinating even in photos. I can imagine the joy of having a front row seat.

Jeanie said...

This woodpecker is really handsome. What gorgeous markings -- they are a favorite of mine.

Marie Smith said...

What a lovely viewing area you have outside your window! A treat to see that beauty for sure.

Aritha V. said...

Taking good care of yourself is so important! I hope this helps so that things will get a little better. These photos are beautiful. I only saw this kind of bird from a distance here in the Netherlands. So lovely. Thank you for sharing.


Michelle said...

These photos are lovely and I am glad to hear that you are taking care of yourself.

Lowcarb team member said...

Pleased to read that your knee benefited from having a break from blogging and sitting too long at the computer. The fifteen minute timer you now set sounds a very good idea. Keep on taking care ...

I did enjoy seeing all of your lovely photographs of the woodpecker.

All the best Jan

Debbie said...

your images are lucky you are to attract this bird and others to your balcony!!

i too am hoping to be able to see more birds now that the leaves have fallen!!

these moments are very special...i hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving!!

Irma said...

What a beautiful series of photos you were able to take of the great spotted woodpecker.
Be gentle with your knee.
I wish you a good weekend.
Greetings Irma

eileeninmd said...

Hello Sonjia,
I would love to see this beautiful woodpecker.
Your sighting is special, to see this bird on your balcony.
It must feel safe, the peanuts are a treat for the birds.
Great series of photos, I loved them all.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

Tom said...

...Sonjia, I hope that your knee will be better soon. I have arthritis in my right knee and the physical therapist showed me some exercises to do, things have helped. The Great Spotted Woodpecker is a beauty and I see that it likes peanuts and so do I. Take care and be well.

sami niilola said...

Fantastic bird. Happy weekend.

Richard Pegler said...

What an absolutely fabulous experience, Sonjia. I am sure that you will cherish her visit for years to come, and have your delightful photos to help you recapture the moment.

I was just saying to my wife, Lindsay, this morning that it has been too long since a woodpecker visited our garden - it was some time last year.

My very best wishes to you - please do take good care of that knee and stay safe - - - Richard

RedPat said...

Such fabulous shots through the window. We have screens on the windows so it doesn't work for me to try shooting birds on my deck.
That is a fine woodpecker.

Debbie said...

thank you for the very kind comment Sonjia, i appreciate it!!

John's Island said...

Hello Dear Sonija 😊
It's wonderful to hear that you took a much-needed break and that your knee is feeling better. Self-care is so important, especially for bloggers who spend a lot of time at the computer. Your approach of setting a timer to take breaks and photographing nature from your window sounds like a great way to recharge and connect with the world outside.
The moment you described with the Great Spotted Woodpecker must have been truly special! Nature has a way of surprising us with its beauty and wonder. I enjoyed all of the photos … every single one. Thank you for sharing. Wishing you happy days ahead!

magiceye said...

Wonderful captures. Thanks for sharing.

Adam Jones said...

How lovely to be able to watch a Woodpecker from your window. Even better is to photograph it. Superb images!

Iris Flavia said...

Thank you so-so much for showing these!
Months ago I heard a woodpecker (here in the city! In the little park by one of the nursing homes) - but I had no chance to see it. In fact I have never seen one. Sad the flash went off!
Clever, I do the same with walnuts and our Squirrels mostly hide them right in the balcony beds.
Hope your knee gets better soon.
Ack, who knew all this will come, knee, feet... I tore a muscle in my arm (again)...

Rezky Pratama said...

we must take a rest for 10 minutes after 1 hour in front of monitor

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Very nice pictures Sonija...

Penelope Notes said...

Oh, wow, these were lucky shots. I can see why it would be tough to choose just one or two. :)

Bob Bushell said...

Hi Sonjia

What a fantastic to every one of the female Great Spotted Woodpecker, so close.
Hope your leg better soon.

Bill said...

What beautiful captures of a beautiful bird. Hopefully he won't be shy and return for another vixit. Take care and hope your leg continues to improve.

La Biosfera de Lola said...

Querida Sonjia enhorabuena por tan preciosas fotos de esta hermosa ave. espero que pronto estés totalmente recuperada. Un abrazo enorme.

carol l mckenna said...

Awesome woodpecker photos ! Wow!

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

David James Slater said...

Lovely sequence Sonjia. I have only seen one in my garden, yars ago.

David James Slater said...

Dear Sonjia,

I seem to be having some difficulty with m,y computer and commenting but here goes for the 3rd time! Great pics as usual. I have only seen ONE G.S.W. in my garden and that was years ago You appear to have such a great variety. I suppose it is living on a mountainside and in the country.What a lucky lady you are. I hope your knee does not give you too much pain.

Teresa said...

Has hecho unas fotografías preciosas. Por mi jardín no vienen pájaros carpinteros y me encantaría que viniesen.
Espero que tu rodilla esté mejor. Abrazos.

John's Island said...

Hello Dear Sonija 😊
Please excuse a 2nd comment. Just wanted to say thank you for your kind words on my blog. My post with the Diamond G booklet … I thought it might be interesting to Eva, knowing of her interest in horses. And yes, I know, the print is small and difficult to read, but I’ll bet she would enjoy the photos. Again, it is always great to hear from you. Best wishes!

Veronica Lee said...

Your photos are fantastic! You're so fortunate to have such lovely birds visiting your balcony!

Hugs and blessings, Sonjia

Rostrose said...

Oh, dear Sonjia, I can understand so well that you had to take many, many photos of this experience - it is something very special. We will never experience that here, the woodpeckers stay in the forest a few kilometers away but never come into our gardens. Most of the time I just hear them, but can hardly see them up close. The experience you had is truly breathtaking - befitting your blog name. It's a shame that the lightning went off by mistake, but maybe the brave woodpecker will still try it again...
All the best, Traude
PS: I'm glad you found a method that's good for your knee. May it continue to improve!

Mike Attwood said...

I too do most of my photography from my bedroom Sonjia, but its not so enchanting as yours. Thankyou and I wish you well.

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