Tuesday, 18 October 2022

THE ESTUARY part two

Having photographed so many varied things when I went to the estuary with my daughter Eva, I couldn't share them all in one post, so I am going to divide my images into three posts. As I wrote in my last post there was a lot going on. It was perfect weather for sailing, and other water sports, or just relaxing. People were walking their dogs, riding bicycles, taking photos of the sailing vessels, and many people were promenading the seashore enjoying meeting up with friends.

Meanwhile on shore, I looked out for different birds to photograph.

The Bar-tailed Godwit.   Limoso Lapponica

I photographed a lot of these wading birds.

I saw at least 25 to 30 of these birds, 

so, the ones you see are not always the same bird.

There were some smaller replicas of these birds, little juveniles 

I also photographed a lot, because it was my first sighting of a Godwit. :=) I am beginning to think of myself as a birder, so I saw a lifer!!:=) Is that too presumptuous of me!

The juveniles were in small groups, milling around in all directions, 

They ran so fast, that it was impossible for me to get a good image.

I have saved the best three images until last.

This concludes the second part of my visit to the estuary.


Marit said...

Dear Sonjia!
I love your photos from the estuary . The river and the sailboats looks so calm. The birds are very pretty too. I like the Godwit :)
Best wishes, and many hugs from Norway!

Noke said...

Schöne Bilder von den Segelboten und den Uferschnepfen.


Recep Hilmi TUFAN | rehitu.com said...

When I look at those birds they are all seems to same to me. :)

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful photos! Looks like you have a very nice variety of bird life in this estuary. Thx for stopping by my blog!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Sonjia

Beautiful view of the estuary. I love the sailboats. Great sighting of the Bar-railed Godwit. Congrats on your lifer! Wonderful photos.
Take care, enjoy your day!

roentare said...

In my experience, estuary seems to give out best pics of landscape. Love these Godwits captures too!

Linda said...

Looks like a nice day on the water!

Cloudia said...

How very pleasant! You know we lived on our boat in Waikiki for 20 years

Nancy Chan said...

An enjoyable visit to the estuary. I like the view of the sailboats on the river. Great captures of the birds on the beach.

Irma said...

Beautiful the sailboats on the river.
The bar-tailed godwit is superb, it is really a rarity here, you almost never see them.
I enjoyed your blog.
Greetings Irma

Phil Slade said...

Hello Sonjia. I am pleased that you have now joined the ranks of birdwatchers. It's a great pastime but be carful it doesn't take over you life. The estuary should be superb for seeing many species of waders in most seasons, especially spring and autumn when so many if not moist, move north to south and vice versa. A Bar-tailed Godwit was one tracked moving between Alaska and New Zealand!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the sailboats are lovely, and love the reflections in the birds photos. what a great day to be at the seaside.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Congratulations on your lifer, Sonjia! Your certificate of membership in the international fraternity of bird nerds will no doubt be in your mailbox soon! You now have a friend in every corner of the world. Just look for a man or a woman with binoculars and there's your chum. Language is no barrier! Estuaries are wonderful places. On my first visit to Australia I stayed at a B&B on an estuary in SE New South Wales. A university professor was also staying there doing research into estuarine plants and we spent a wonderful day together, he providing me with an education in plant science and I helping him with birds. Instant friendship! Hugs from Ontario where cool fall days are settling in from your birding pal, David

Richard Pegler said...

The only qualification you need to be a birder, Sonjia, is a love of birds - that's it! - and you clearly qualify! Welcome to the fraternity. You're already rising in stature, with your identification of Bar-tailed Godwit. I've enjoyed your bird photos greatly, and it was good to see people having fun on the water.

Take good care and stay safe - - - Richard

Manuel said...

Después de ver tus dos excelentes reportajes, el de la ría y el del estuario, no tengo más remedio que felicitarte, por vivir en una zona tan linda y privilegiada, y tan en contacto con la Naturaleza.
Dicho esto, me ha llamado la atención la mucha afición que hay a los barcos de velas, y la cantidad de aves que habitan ahí, me imagino que temporalmente, y como les gusta posar para ti, así que de presuntuoso nada...
Y no dejéis tu y tu hija Eva, de pasear por sitios tan bonitos y pintorescos, y si lo crees conveniente de compartirlos con todos nosotros.
Un cordial saludo.

Soma @ InkTorrents.com said...

Had a wonderful time looking at your photos of the estuary. Well done with spotting and photographing the birds. The sailboat photos are wonderful. Looks like a fun day!!


sami niilola said...

Great sunny photos. Big thanks.

Veronica Lee said...

I absolutely enjoyed the glorious photos of the estuary!

I especially loved the sailboats.

Mike Attwood said...

Dear Sonjia, What a lovely place to relax, so much gentle activity. Thats somewhere I would like to be. Take care.

Rainbow Evening said...

estuary sounds very wonderful place to watch many interesting things...

thank you for sharing beautiful photos

Lowcarb team member said...

From the boats to the birds, you have shared some lovely photographs.
The estuary is a very nice place to visit.

Enjoy your weekend.

All the best Jan

PS Lovely that you saw your first Godwit.

Tom said...

...we will have a warm weekend and some boats may be out, but here it's time to begin putting them in storage. Sonjia, enjoy your weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Sonjia,

Lovely photos of a beautiful place. The sailboats are a wonderful scene, they have me wishing for warm sunny summer days. Congrats on your Godwit lifer.
They are cool looking birds. Awesome collection of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

Mae Travels said...

Wading birds with their reflections in the shallow water on the shore do really make irresistible photo subjects! Like you, Ilove to take these photos. Lovely!

best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

NatureFootstep said...

just LOVE to see the vaders. I live inland and they never comes to my place. Good to see them at least in pictures :)

Penelope Notes said...

There's considerable work to sailing but it looks so freeing. And how amazing are those sword-like bird beaks, perfect for foraging for food in the sand.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a fabulous time you had. I love seeing the sailboats. I've never been on one so they intrigue me. Love your birds and the bright blue of the water. Sure makes pretty backgrounds for your pics!

carol l mckenna said...

What a wonderful vacation for you and your family and fantastic photos of the sailboats and birds ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Bill said...

A beautiful day at the estuary. You captured lots of beautiful photos of the birds and boats. Have a nice weekend.

Amila said...

Beautiful photos from Estuary. I can see people enjoying good weather and sailing in these breathtaking views. You have captured cute Godwits in different movements. Lovely photos. I am sure you had a great experience there with a lot of beautiful views and creatures.
Have a great week ahead!

Anni said...

Congrats on the Godwits sightings!! They are extraordinary birds (we had a bar-tailed from Europe hit the Texas coast a few years back...I was so excited!). Wait 'til you see the Hudsonian Godwit...in breeding plumage they are spectacular

You linking in this week at I'd Rather B Birdin' is much appreciated!

Bob Bushell said...

Fantastic Bar-tailed Godwit, I have not photographed one of these, beautiful Sonjia.

Maria Rodrigues said...

Extraordinary photos of the estuary.
I especially loved the last photo of the Bar-tailed Godwit with its reflection in the water, it's fantastic.
Hugs and all the best for you

Teresa said...

Parece que se me pasó esta entrada. Me encanta. Besos.

ashok said...

Breathtaking photographs...lovely

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