Friday, 29 April 2022

Dear fellow bloggers, five days ago, I slipped on my balcony, fell into the railings, and injured my back, and broke three ribs. It has been very painful, and sitting at the computer makes my back ache, so for a while I'm going to take things easy. I had a post ready, to share with you of the roses on my balcony, and around my front door, so all I have to do is press post. See you soon.

Wednesday, 13 April 2022


As I was just about to close my bedroom shutters for the night, I saw a Sparrow Hawk perched on a nearby tree with a strange looking talon. The talon was outstretched in an awkward position. It was very obvious that one of it's talons was badly deformed. I don't know how this would have affected it's hunting. The images are not great, as the light was fading, but take a look and tell me what you think.

Friday, 8 April 2022


One day when my late husband was filling up the tank of his car, I was surprised  to see a dog cleaning station in a gas station, and I think it's a brilliant idea, especially if one happens to live by the seaside. So many people live in apartments who are the owners of large dogs, dogs that like to swim in the sea. Before returning home, the owners can just pull into the gas station where they are able to park their car, and give their dog a good scrub with the right temperature of water, wash them with shampoo, and then blow dry them. It is a great alternative to leaving them at a dog beauty parlour, which is not really required when all that is needed is a good wash and brush up to remove the sand, and it only takes a few minutes. I was impressed with this idea, and took some photos of  the station as I waited in the car. This is a little different, than my usual posts, but now and again I do like to share something about Portugal. 

 You can select the program you want, then elevate or lower the platform to whatever height you need, push the buttons for whatever else you require, and Hey Presto your dog is clean with the minimum of fuss. Are there any more dog washing stations out there?  I would be pleased to know, if you have seen them where you live, or have used them.

Cute , and it would seem clever dog washing himself/ herself. Ha ha!:=))

I think this dog was just cooling off.

He  looks a happy dog now.

I enjoyed watching the Golden Retriever doing what it does so well. 

Enjoying the swim, and taking something back to his master.

I will be linking up to Saturday's Critters, on Eileen's blog, with my thanks to our gracious host. Just click on the left side of my blog on  "Saturday's Critters," and it will take you to her post, and  you can join the party. 

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