Thursday, 7 August 2014

Good Fences

This post was a challenge that I hadn't exspected to be so difficult. As I hadn't previously taken any photos for Friday's Good Fences, or anything of that nature, I set out on Monday by car to where I remembered seeing some rather attractive gates, as we  have no fences where I live, only walls and gates. It wasn' t long before I saw large numbers of people, walking towards the main road, having parked their cars on either side of what is normally a quiet country lane.When I reached the main road there was a vast number of people gathered together, and lining the road side, and cars in front of me and behind. It was clear that taking photos was now out of the question, so I continued on my planned route to try to make my way back home


Suddenly I realized why there were so many people, they were waiting for the cyclists of  the Tour de Portugal. Further down the road, the police had parked their vehicles and were directing the traffic to detours  so I ventured into the unknown and  eventually got lost! Sorry guys not one photo of the cyclists, and to be honest I was glad to get away, but it was a long time  before I got my bearings and found a way back home as all these mountain roads look pretty much the same and I hadn't got my GPS. There are not many houses by the roadside, so you can imagine how pleased I was to see  the stone house with the low wall in front, and a cat.

It wasn't long before another photo opportunity presented itself, a white dog looking over a gate was just asking for me to take his picture. I think he has a lovely gentle look about him.

He was a lovely friendly dog, looks like he lost a claw at one time, but his eyes captivated me.

Around  yet another bend and I saw this white cat  surveying the road, sitting on a high wall.


Well thats it for this week, my first Good Fences post, but I have to admit that it looks more like Pets Corner!:) Please forgive me for rambling on a bit about how I eventually made it. I promise to be more brief next week.:) I also lost my glasses this week, and thats why I have a mother of all headaches and haven't visited your blogs as I would have liked.
See you all soon, as soon as I get my new specs!


This post is included in the GOOD FENCES initiative.


Mike Attwood said...

I'm glad you have omitted the cyclists, the cats and dogs will do fine. Regards Mike.

TexWisGirl said...

i love these finds! adorable fence models! sorry about the lost glasses and headaches, though!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Well who couldn't love these shots. So cute.

Anonymous said...

67 entries so far and finally we have a winner for Good Fences this week. Okay, I had to admit, the cats swayed my selection. Also, you need a drawer full of eyeglasses as I do. Back-ups.

S. Etole said...

Fun photos that you've shared.

Adam said...

cute cats and dog

Michelle said... that dog's face!

orchid0324 said...

OMG; how LOVELY these cats and white dog♡♡♡ Especially the dog looks so adorable and seems like talking to you :-)
I'm SO happy that you could find them and for you to way back, Sonija♪

Oh, I hope you'll get new specs soon! As I keep changing glasses (for usual nearsighted, pc, reading), I have same kind of problem (^^;)
Take Care of Yourself and have a wonderful weekend.
Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Susan said...

I enjoyed this post, especially the images of the beautiful dog, and the cat on the low brick wall. Thank you for sharing.

Stephanie said...

Beautiful fur! Your furry friends look really pretty. Like to touch them Breahtaking! Btw I like to stay away from crowds also. See on TV for better view and comfort. And cats, they can really climb. I have stray cats coming into my garden even when there is a fence. You have beautiful day!! Thank you for great pictures.

susan jane said...

Wonderful shots of cats and the dog. love Sue.

eileeninmd said...

Awesome series of photos, I love the cute doggie and the kitty.. Have a happy weekend!

PS, this wood be a great post for my critter party on Saturday.

BumbleVee said...

The dogs and cats in and around properties was a surprise to us when we visited Portugal... I put some shots from our visit on my fence post today...

We stayed with friends in Entroncamento...but, visited the Porto area while there .......

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonjia!

It was time well spent after all.Which turned out to be an unexpected and pleasant encounter with cats and dogs, and an opportunity for some nice photos as well.

And the sweet tender smile of a gentle dog is definitely one hard to match...

Have a good week-end.

Gail Dixon said...

What cute critters to adorn the lovely fences!! That white dog looks like he was trying to tell you something. So, so precious!! Sorry about your headaches and glasses. Hope you can get the new specs soon!

Maria said...

Oh the puppy is irresistible!

Teresa said...

Preciosos esos gatos y el perro. Besos.

CJ said...

I had to go back to look at the wall and gate because I got sidetracked by those cute furry faces. The gate almost looks like it's made of frosted glass.

Nice photos of the pets ---along with the fences.

Ela said...

Wow ! I love this post ! You showed so wonderful photos !
Greetings :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonjia, what a lovely pictures. The dog really want to say something. The last picture of that dog is outstanding and goes to my heart.
Best regards from

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Lovely pictures.. They Are really wonderful friends.. Cheers..

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Oh how I love the photos of those beautiful furry friends :)

A Colorful World said...

Love your Good Fences post! Sometimes getting lost can be a find treasures you didn't know were there!

miss-cherry said...

What a beautiful series of photos.

psychelyn said...

Pets on fences are better than burglars trying to climb over hehehe. That doggie has sad looks in his eyes but he's cute. Oh cats, we've got four of them at home.

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