House Sparrow Passer domesticus
The House Sparrow is very sociable. It breeds commonly around farmyards, towns and villages. The male shown here, has grey crown, red-brown temples, and large black bib. The females are uniformly more grey-brown, and have pale brown streak behind eye.
Beautiful House Sparrow, well done.
Ślicznie wróbelek wygląda wśród zieleni i w słoneczny dzień. Pozdrawiam.
Sparrow looks pretty greenery and sunny day. Yours.
Lovely pictures. Are so beautiful!!!.. Cheers!!!..
Sonjia what a great photo's of the this bird. In my country they don't do well at the moment but in my garden there are lots of them. I wish I could let you hear the sound they are making at the moment. It makes me believe that spring is on the corner.
Have a wonderful weekend.
These are some really beautiful captures of such a handsome little bird :)
Wonderful shots of this bird!
He looks so peacefully inquisitive.
cute bird
beautiful shots! they're adorable. :)
In Poland House Sparrow requires at least dozen houses in close neighborhood. I never seen them in "typical" countryside.
Wróble tez są ładne:)
My favourite colour is green and I adore birds...so this series of photos has made my day! What beauty!
Wonderful pictures of the sparrow, Sonjia. It isn't easy at all to shoot great pictures of this bird. Mostly they are quickly gone. But you succeeded very well. While I am writing this to you a blackbird is eating the berries from branches in a garden vase on a garden table in front of my window. The red berries disappaer fast one after another. So funny. Have a good sunday. Greetings from a wet, grey and stormy Netherlands, Joke
Very nice photos!
Lovely pictures !
The sparrows look beautiful against the green.
Bob Bushell
Ana Minguez Corella
Thank you all so much for your nice comments.
These photos were taken in Oct last year. The weather was better then. Now it just rains and rains:(
Thank you Marijke!:) I also used to see more sparrows than I do now. It would be nice to hear the sparrows singing in your garden.:)
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
Optimistic Existentialist
Thank you Keith!:) This little bird is so often overlooked but it is sweet.
S. Etole.
I think you are right Susan. He saw me, stared at me for a while, and only then flew away.
I couldn't agree with you more! They are quite a common little bird ( although not as plentiful now as they used to be here) and because of this they are often overlooked, but they are lovely little creatures.
Thank you Theresa!:) Yes! Even the plain and common are adorable.
The sparrows congregate on the roof of my studio.It's still in the country surrounded by fields, but there are several outhouses nearby.
Thank you Linda!:) I actually tried to tone the bright green colour down in these images, as it didn't look natural, but it is!
I wear a lot of green, mostly moss green, it's very calming, and inconspicuous for bird watching.
Such sweet little birds. You have some fantastic shots here. Their tiny feet are so cute!
Hello Sonjia,
These pics are really great!
No chance for me to take photos of a sparrow here, I am lost in nature and they don't come here... probably sticking to village gardens!
This little guy has gorgeous colors!
I am glad you like the "french can-can" on my blog! LOL!!!!
Keep well!
Gail Dixon
Thank you Gail!:)Yes, they are quite dainty feet.
Joke ( Jokes Camera)
Thank you Joke!:)Normally they do fly away quickly, and it's difficult to even get close to them before they are off in a flash.I took this photo through my studio window, and it was a while before he flew away.
Blackbirds do love berries!:)Sounds like you might have missed a good photo opportunity!
We are having the same miserable weather as you! Boo Hoo!!:(
Thank you Eileen!:) Strangely I don't get to see many sparrows. They never come to my garden as we are too high up in the mountain.
As much as it was informative your picture was so amusing, and somewhat racy! Keep them coming!:=) I
Nice little birds - I like seeing them here, even if I know they are a bit of a pest!
Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne
PS: feel fee to link you bird posts to Wild Bird Wednesday that runs on my photo-blog on Wednesdays (!)
Nice shots.
Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
Dear Sonia I waited to write the comment to be able to say with certainty that my granddaughter came home today.
Your photographs are always beautiful ... Yesterday seemed to spring here,as in your garden,but today it is winter again .Time to paint!!!
Have nice week,hugs and kisses,Rita.
Stewart M
Hello Stewart!:) Nice of you to pass by, and leave a comment. Thank you for your invite, I'll check it out.
Rita Vaselli
Thank you dear, and what wonderful news Rita!:) I felt anxious for you, and it's good of you to let me know Beatrice is home again.
We had hail today,torrential rain, and strong winds.The best place to be is indoors.Happy painting!! Hugs and kisses. x
So cute, the bird so plump yet it can just perch on the plant like that. Also love the vibrant colours of these photos. Wonderful job :-D
Thank you!:)Sparrows weigh very little. If you have ever held a bird in your hand, you will know what I mean.The plant is a Buddleia, but you probably know that already.:)
Hi Sonjia!
Quite colourful and good-looker, and a pretty creature to lok at- besides being good company to have around you.
And it looks just great in this photo you`ve taken.
Have a good week.
Wow, looking very green for February.......
I almost missed these. I love the male House Sparrow. They are so sharp and well framed.
Great photos. I love this bird.
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