The Robin
Erithacus rubecula
The robin is common almost everywhere and strongly territorial for most of the year. I never tire of seeing this bright bird in and around my garden throughout the year, and as you can imagine have taken many photos.The robin measures 14cm, the brown back and wings with red or more accurately, rusty-orange face and breast, distinguish it from all other species.It's song is crystel clear, and is a melodious medley of high pitched trills and warbles.This one is perched on one of the numerous new seed boxes placed in the trees,pausing a while to warm up after getting wet in the rain.
To są moje ulubione ptaszki i dziekuję za jego cudowne zdjecie. Pozdrawiam.
These are my favorite birds, and thank you for the wonderful photo. Yours.
It's a charmer, with a red breast, you couldn't beat it.
What a brilliant photo Soniija. I love to hear and see this bird too.
Have a wonderful sunday.
Such a cute little bird. Who would ever imagine he was the culprit in the childhood ditty - "who killed cock robin?"
Hello my dear Sonija! It 's SPRINGTIME,sunny lovely days at least...
I love this wonderful Robin picture,cute and tender!Warm hugs,Rita.
cute robin
Robin is a very nice birdie, a harbinger of spring!
Butterfly in previous post is amazing! Congratulations!
Many greetings!
i just love these beautiful pear-shaped birds of yours!
The robin is among my most favorite of birds...I love their beautiful song :)
Fantastic picture, Sonjia. I love the Robin. His colour is so beautiful and he makes a shy impression, although his behaviour is far from that. Do I see a fly in his beak? Greetings, Joke
So beautiful with his orange tummy...
I miss robins...........oddly enough I had a dream about them last night.
Oh my! He really is "breathtaking!"
a lovely photo, and such a pretty bird!!!!
Thank you Giga:)They are definately one of my favourites.
Bob Bushell
I don't think you can beat them Bob.It's always a thrill when I see them, and they make such pretty Christmas cards:))
Thank you Marijke:)Their song, and striking coloured breast is always such a cheerful experience, especially on dull winter days.
Today looks like it's going to be a lovely day.
We have a pair who visit our feeder and a pair of chaffinches who I expect you see regularly too. The Robins are braver though.
Cute, but aggressive when guarding his territory, however he's not the guilty party in the nursery rhyme:))
Rita Vaselli
Hello Rita:)So pleased you like this little robin picture. Yes, at last we are getting warm and sunny weather, and nature is responding in all it's glory. It's good to get outdoors again!
Warm hugs.
It certainly is, and one of my favourite birds to see in the garden. Thank you for passing by Adam.
ioan moldovan
Thank you so much for your lovely comments:) Spring has arrived at last!
So glad you like our chubby and cheerful robins.
Have a great day.
Optimistic Existentialist
It's definately one of mine also.
Have a nice day:)
Joke (Jokes Camera)
Thank you Joke:)He does make a nice picture, and this one has some seeds in his beak.
Enjoy your day:)
Hi Sonjia, A beautiful photo and wonderfully lit! They really are delightful little birds. There is usually one in my garden and I don't think I ever go on a walk without seeing and hearing them. It is our national bird and adorns most of our Christmas cards :-) sending warm hugs :-)
fantastic picture and what a perfect light, looks like the birdie is bathing in sunshine+food is also there:-))) happy sunny new week from sunny tulipland!
very cute birdie)))
Have a great week!
xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :) | PJ’ Ecoproject
.. It is very beautiful Robin .. Good picture .. Thanks for sharing ..
Querida Sonjia, el pequeño petirrojo de tu foto me ha cautivado, es uno de mis pájaros favoritos. Tengo una acuarela de un petirrojo en mi blog, te invito a que lo veas (en Labels pulsa animals)
Un abrazo fuerte, Sonia.
Hi Nancy:)They are called red robins, but in reality they do have rusty orange breasts, and it's always this flash of colour which first catches my attention.
Stuart Price
Hi Stuart:) Hope it was a nice dream!
Thank you Linda:) They are photogenic little birds, Christmas card cuties:)
Thank you Sue,they do make nice subjects to photograph.
Lucky you to have a pair of Chaffinches at your feeder, I would love to see them at mine, but they never appear in my garden.
Thank you Jan:)Although they are a common sight,like you, I love to see and hear them where ever I am. The contrast of their red breasts against the snow is so picturesque.
Warm hugs right back to you:)
So nice to see you here Jana:) Thank you for your really nice comment. Now that the weather has improved it's good to get outdoors.
I exspect you will be on your travels again! I will visit you very soon. Enjoy your good weather.
It's photogenic qualities are a delight for the photographer.
Enjoy your week!
Ana Minguez Corella
Thank you Ana:)It always makes a nice picture with it's brightly coloured breast.
Sonia Aquiar
Thank you Sonia:) It's photogenic qualities make it a favourite with photographers and artists alike.
I will be happy to see your painting, in fact I will go there right now.
Looking forward to your next post :)
Optimistic Existentialist
Thankyou Keith:) Likewise! I know I'm a little tardy with my comments but I'll catch up soon.
Bonita fotografía.
Con la primavera recuperamos a estos pájaros bulliciosos que alegran nuestros jardines y nos permiten contemplar excelentes imágenes como la que tú nos ofreces.
Un abrazo
Victor Aranda
When Spring is in the air, bird song fills the air,and love is in the air. Thank you for your lovely comment.
Un abrazo.
Another great photo. The bird is beautiful. kisses
Thank you for the wonderful comments.I like the Robin above all.
Oh! he was actually the poor victim! It was the fly I think (Disclaimer) I'm getting so muddle-headed! :(
Mary Brown
Thank you Brown eyes:) I'm always pleased to see you here:)
Hello Nelson:)It's so nice to see you here.The robin seems to be a big favourite with everyone.
Have a good weekend:)
You made me laugh!! To help you with your dilemma, it was the sparrow with his bow and arrow who killed cockrobin!!:)))
the great nature can be ...
Yes, it is wonderful. Thank you for passing by:)
I love the framing on this one and the dark background.
Thank you Maria:)So pleased you passed by.
The robin is just beautiful
Julie Hargreaves
Thank you Julie:) I don't think there is a nicer bird to photograph, they always look so
Such a lovely bird. I love this orange accents :)
Yes indeed!:) It's one of my favourites. The orange breast is a cheerie sight any time of the year.
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