The Red Squirrel
They come in all shapes and sizes.Some are chubby and in certain positions I think they look more like little bears than squirrels, and others are slender. Some are red like these, and others are light or dark brown,and can be even black in colour. Their striking ear tufts are a prominent distinguishing feature of the Red Squirrel in Winter, but they lose them in Summer. Their bushy tails vary in volume, but are usually 15-20 cm in length.They are daily visiters to the garden and give me endless pleasure.
Uwielbiam wiewiórki, są zabawne. Śliczne zdjęci. Pozdrawiam.
I love squirrels, they are funny. Beautiful pictures. Yours.
Hi Breathtaking!
"A day in the life of a squirrel" would be an apt title to the story you here tell us.
Lucky you to be able to enjoy the company of such a lovely neighbour!
And the photos are just great; congratulations!
Have a nice weekend.
And to think I just made a squirrel feeder :)
Que linda. Saludos.
What a beauty! Lovely captures of your little visitor Sonjia. Our native Red Squirrel can only be seen in certain parts of the country due to the introduced American Grey Squirrel which has pushed it to the brink of extinction by transmitting a deadly pox.
I have been entertained by the antics of a Grey Squirrel in my garden lately, they are so agile :-)
cute little guy
I agree Giga, they are so amusing,
especially when two squirrels are chasing one another, or they are doing gymnastics.
your squirrels are adorable! so different from ours!
Hello Vitor
I am very lucky, and never take for granted the beautiful place where I live and its woodland inhabitants.
Thank you for your lovely comment
and have a nice weekend also.
Clever you, to make a Squirrel feeder! Hope you show some photos!
Thank you for your visit:)
Thank you! They are such photogenic creatures.
Have a nice weekend.
Thank you Jan! I love to see them in the garden, doing the most amazing gymnastics.
They are very entertaining. On visits to London I have watched Grey Squirrels in Hyde Park and thought them very pretty and surprisingly tame, compared to the timid ones who visit us.
I agree,he is a cutie:)
Oh--look at those ears--and he found a friend on the birdbath! Thanks for sharing.
I think yours are adorable too.:)
Amazing photos!! An amazing blog :)
So pleased you are impressed with his tufts:)Nice of you to pass by!
Optimistic Existentialist
Thank you so much for your lovely comment.:)
A beautiful red squirrel, can't beat it. Cheers.
Great shots!Cute little Squirrel!!
Cute! We have gray squirrels here; at least that's the kind we see in our yard.
You have captured some wonderful pictures of this red squirrel. It's so adorable. Well done as always. I've always enjoyed your posts.
absolutely delightful !!!!!
Thank you Sue! I always appreciate your visits:)
Bob Bushell
Thank you Bob!You are so right, you can't beat these photogenic cutie pies for their instant appeal.
Hi Dimi:)
Thank you very much, so pleased you think so.
There are actually 3 different squirrels on these photos, but it's hard to tell, except in the last photo because he has no tufts.
Hi Linda:)
I am familiar with the American grey squirrel, which is as you say quite different from these.It's nice that you also get to see them in your yard.
Thank you Stiletto! So nice of you to say you enjoy my posts. I have recently made a promise to myself that even before New Year, I will try to improve the standard of my posts, by making them more informative as well as decorative.
Lucky you to have them in your garden. I live in the countryside. Too bad, but we don't have squirrels here. So I enjoy your beautiful pictures. Great series, Breathtaking. Have a nice sunday. Greetings, Joke
Thank you Joke! They are fun to have around.
Enjoy your Sunday also:)
Hola Sonjia. Es una serie de fotos muy hermosa. Las ardillas son muy rápidas en sus movimientos y captarlas no debe ser nada fácil. ¡Te felicito!
Un abrazo y feliz domingo.
Lovely photos, congratulations!!!!!
Many greetings
Very cute little guy. I think they are such beautiful squirrels. Back home they are considered pests but on your blog, they look innocent and cute to me:)
I envy you such visitors, with excellent photos, a nice evening.
Hello Sonia
Thank you Sonia! Yes they are away in a flash, but my husband gave me a new hide for my birthday so I can sit quietly and observe my garden visiters without being detected.
Um Abrazo.
Hello Magda:)
Thank you so much.I will visit you very soon.:)
Thank you!They do look cute, and very nice on photos, but they still wave their tails furiously whenever they see me, even though I have been feeding them Hazelnuts for years. Ungrateful little......
Thank you Salma! It is nice to see them around the garden.
Thank you for passing by:)
just found your blog beautiful photos
WE have the same species of squirrel here in Hokkaido but it is more brown than red, can't believe how red yours look!
Julie Hargreaves
Thank you Julie:)Nice of you to say so!
Stuart Price
Hello Stuart:)
They are predominately red, but their fur can range from this rusty red colour to almost black in winter.
I would really love to follow your blog if I may :)
Optimistic Existentialist
Hi! So pleased you came back, and
a very warm welcome to my blog.:)
so nice shiny fur!
I jealous!
xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :) | PJ’ Ecoproject
:)Grin!!! Red Heads!!!
Very nice to see the various actions of Red Squirrel.
They have obviously taken the warning and gone down to the woods in disguise. ExceptFlopsy,Mopsy,Cotton Tail, Peter and, probably
Tabatha Twitchitt, should have been more careful to avoid the same costume.
Wooow very nice post amazig¡¡
Hello Abhinav!
I love seeing them around the garden, and so pleased you liked to see them also.
Have a nice weekend.
Ian x
I found myself humming
If you go down to the woods today, You better go in disguise.:)
Thank you for your most observant comment.
Thank you Joanca!
Have a nice weekend.
how absolutely adorable, she/he was posing for u! I like how its fur is shining in the day light:-) happy rest of the weekend from me and thaks for stopping by!
It certainly looks like he is posing.He knew I was there, and never took his eyes off me whilst he was drinking.
Thank you for your visit Jana:)
Have a nice Sunday!
Quelle belle rencontre !! il n'a pas l'air bien sauvage...bon dimanche !
Such a beauty!
Yes indeed! A beautiful creature!
Enjoy your Sunday:)
:)Il a l'air apprivoisés mais si je suis trop près qurl allartfuir!!
Merci de votre visite.
Bom Dimanche.
How nice to have them around. You took some great shots of the little Squirrel, which is not an easy task, as they are very active creatures.
Yes they are very agile, but as they are daily visiters, I do get plenty of opportunity for photo shoots.
Ohhh.. So cute.. I love.. Congrat and regards..
Ana Minguez Corella
Thank you Ana,He's a star!!!
unglaublich!!! :-)
traumhafte bilder!!!
jesters view
Thank you once again for your lovely comment, and your many visits to my other posts:)
A red squirel!! What a beauty!
Loved the pics.
They are always so great to photograph.Glad you liked the photos thank you.
They are beautiful. I wish I had one in the garden. Squirrels enchant me. kisses
Brown eyes
They do have beautiful lines and enchant me also.I like them so much that I have quite a few inside the house, as ornaments. Some are in wood, and I have a woven basket with a Squirrel
holding nuts.
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