Just a few photos taken in autumn when the trees were covered in red and gold leaves. Right now the weather has turned nasty, heavy rainfall has been pouring down since the weekend , so it is not possible to take photos.
The European Robin is looking right at me here,
I will be linking up to Saturday's Critters at Eileen's blog. To join in the fun, scroll down and just click on the icon on the left sidebar and it will take you there, where you can see creatures from all over the world.
Dear Sonjia,
Beautiful series of photos of this robin, I think it is a nice species to photograph.
It has been raining here almost every day for months, we have not seen the sun for weeks, that is really not nice anymore.
I wish you a nice Tuesday.
Greetings Irma
These photos are terrific. Such a beauty!
he is lovely and is the colors of his background, keeping him safe from predators. every state in USA has some kind of really bad weather, rain, snow, ice, drought, snowmageddin in states that never had that much snow, and we are seeing the same thing right now on the news, all over the world...
Such a pretty robin.
It also rains a lot here in Vienna
Dear Sonjia :)
The European Robin is so sweet, and your photos are very beautiful. I have not seen more than one of them here this winter. I miss them, and I hope they will back. I hope your weather will be better soon.
Stay warm and safe my dear friend!
Many hugs from Marit
Beautiful robin.
Best wishes to you.
We call them Rotkehlchen over here and these look amazing.
I like this bird, it's one of my favorites.
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