Friday, 7 April 2023


This week the men who work on the farm came to cut down my bougainvillea. It had been a showy shrub of great beauty until last year, when I first noticed a ghastly fungus that spread rapidly over the summer months, and the once radiant bougainvillea began to show signs of deterioration, with only a few flowers, and no new growth. With regret I knew that this once beautiful shrub  had to be cut down this year.

I still have to find out what kind of fungus killed my Bougainvillea.

It took my foreman an hour and 30 mins to chainsaw through the thick trunk where he started to cut it down, and the wires holding it in place.  It was difficult to saw through the wood, and sawdust was flying everywhere. That is why there are no photos of this procedure as I stayed away to protect my eyes

There were a lot of branches and debris, and because of the lethal thorns, they had to be handled with care, however both my foreman and his helper got injured, and the thorns drew blood. 

The men came early morning to do this job, as the afternoon temperature is now 40 degrees. Stifling heat with not a breath of wind, which I am not yet fully prepared for. The sudden change makes me feel lethargic,.. 24 degrees is more to my liking.

They pulled and tugged to pull the branches at the top, but they were tightly bound together and only began to move when they attached a rope to the tractor and my foreman accelerated with force, until it all fell down. 

This is how it used to look two years ago.

It grew so large, and covered another wall. I will miss my lovely bougainvillea when in it's prime, in good health just two years ago.

Meanwhile the flowers on my balcony are thriving.

The birds bring me joy.

These Dianthus flowers always give a good show every year.

The Great tit enjoys the sunflower seeds.

Just one Lily so far.

I love this splash of orange in the corner of my balcony..

I place some peanuts inside the planters for the squirrels to find them....

and the Robin flies down to the tiled floor to eat the chopped nuts and cake crumbs. It will also eat the sunflower seeds, but these are inside a planter, so that the husks fall inside, and don't make a mess on the floor.

This is the naughty rascal that stole the base of my feeder. I can differentiate this particular squirrel from the others because of its large tufts that tilt backwards. They look like the wind is blowing them, but it's not so, as they grow naturally this way.

Another Squirrel, just arriving

I didn't prepare an Easter post, but because this Sunday is Easter Sunday, I'm including the Passion Flower, as a reminder of the Crucifixion. I hope you have a wonderful Easter with your family. Blessings to one and all.


Len said...

My Dear Sonjia,
Lovely to get your post although sad to learn that you have lost your bourganvilia. I have been ill too with viral labyrnthitis so have to spend most of my time in bed because there is no known cure other than rest.
It is getting warmer here and the birds are back on my feeders but I have not been able to see what species are eating my fat balls and seeds from my horizontal position!

Bill said...

Very sad that your bourganvilia lost its battle. It looked so pretty from your photos of it just two years ago. Love the birds that stopped by for a visit and a great shot of the squirrel. If you celebrate Easter have a happy one, if not have a great weekend.

Marit said...

Dear Sonjia :-)

I'm so sorry about your old bogainvilla. It was very big and beautiful.
Your photos are so wonderful.
Your passion flower looks similar to one of mine.
Happy Easter!
Warm hugs.

Gardens at Waters East said...

So sad about your bourganvilia! I have one that I have been bringing into the house every winter for the past 25 years. It would never survive the winters here! I get it to bloom twice a year, once in summer then again once in mid winter - NICE

Lowcarb team member said...

It is a shame that you have lost your bougainvillea, that is a wonderful photograph of it from two years ago.

Always lovely to see your birds, flowers and cheeky squirrels.

Wishing you a Happy Easter.

All the best Jan

roentare said...

All beautiful spring flowers and birds coming out to say hello

Jenn Jilks said...

That is so sad! We lost a bunch of branches in our ice storm. You just feel so badly!

J.P. Alexander said...

Bellas flores me enamoraron las ardillas. e mando un beso.

Irma said...

Really sorry that your bouganvilla got sick and had to be removed.
It was so beautiful and full of flowers.
The squirrel is really very smart.
I wish you a nice Easter.
Greetings Irma

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your beautiful bougainvillea was so lovely, I can feel your sadness that it is gone. I know about that feeling because our yard is so ugly now. 3 trees are gone, we had a passion plant like yours, that brought butterflies, it covered every thing, it is gone, we have lost 4 hibiscus bushes, big like trees. the few bushes left have no flowers. Your temp is something I have never lived in. we are running around 31 to 33 now and will for the next 7 months, 34 is our normal for the next few months. we have extreme humidity here, do you have that also? those poor men, those thorns are lethal and the points leave poison in the wouunds. I see they are dumb like my hubby, no gloves, no long sleeves.. sorry its gone, it will take a while to stop missing it.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Sonjia,
Happy Easter to you and yours! It is sad that your Bougainvillea had to be cute down. In it's prime it was gorgeous, I love the pretty colorful leaves.
Your garden flowers are lovely and I just love your cute yard birds and the squirrel. The passion Flower is a favorite. Beautiful photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post! Take care, have a happy weekend!

Richard Pegler said...

How sad it must have been to lose such a wonderful shrub, Sonjia. I hope that you will get lots of pleasure from your balcony flowers, but they will need constant attention!

Your other flower images are gorgeous, but your squirrel and Crested Tit images steal the show for me!

Have a wonderful Easter - - - Richard

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Hello Sonjia: I am quite sad to hear that you had to remove your bougainvillea. It is such a beautiful plant and always reminds me of Costa Rica where it grows in profusion. There is something symbolic perhaps, or at the very least ironic, that your workers were pricked with thorns when they removed the tree at Easter! The flowers and the wildlife visiting your balcony are delightful, and make us all quite green with envy. What we are not envious about, however, are forty degree temperatures. That's debilitating to say the least and potentially dangerous if one is exposed to it for any length of time. My favourite temperature range is from around nineteen to twenty-four, so I am satisfied for a few days each year! Take good care and stay out of that heat. Huge hugs from Ontario - David

Tom said...

...wonderful critter, but the flowers are my favorite. I've seen plenty of bougainvillea in Hawaii and they seem grow back from harde prunnings, I hope that yours will.

Tom said...

...fabulous and colorful post, Happy Easter to you.

Mae Travels said...

Good luck with finding a beautiful replacement for the lost shrubbery! Looks as if plants grow vigorously in your garden, so Ihope it will be beautiful again soon.

best… mae at

Mae Travels said...

Good luck with finding a beautiful replacement for the lost shrubbery! Looks as if plants grow vigorously in your garden, so Ihope it will be beautiful again soon.

best… mae at

Teresa said...

Que tristeza por la buganvilla, se veía tan preciosa. Los pájaros y ardillas se ven preciosos. He leído que te has caído, espero que te encuentres bien. Feliz fin de semana de Pascua.

This N That said...

Sonjia..So sorry about your Bougainvillea....They are glorious when healthy...I guess most plants ,sadly have a time limit for one reason or another..Removing it was quite a job.
Your balcony flowers are lovely..
Wonderful photos...
Love the shot of the squirrel..
Have a nice weekend...

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It sure was beautiful and I know you are glad you have the photos of it in bloom. I know you'll have something else you love too!

HWIT BLOGG said...

Your pictures are just fantastic!! Have a HAPPY EASTER!
Love from Titti

Phil Slade said...

Hi Sonjia. I know bougainvillea from the many holiday destinations we visit. But I never imagined it to be so invasive while still being beautiful. I wish we could grow it here in Lancashire but no chance of course. Ageing and identifying squirrels is a new skill to me. If you tire of 40 degrees please send a few to me. Know

Rostrose said...

How sad, dear Sonjia,
that you had to say farewell to your beautiful bougainvillea. This fungus is a disaster. And then 40 degrees. We've had freezing cold here for days, there's even snow again - how I wish I could send you some of the cold to Portugal and instead get some of the heat to make up for it all.
Luckily there are the lovable balcony guests and the pretty balcony flowers - I hope they compensate you at least somewhat.
Thank you for your lovely Easter greetings, also from me to you: Happy Easter 🐣🐰🪺 and all the best, Traude

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful nature shots ~ floral, feathered friends and a squirrel I have not seen before ~ it is unique ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Barwitzki said...

I wish you a nice new one in your garden, Sonjia... many greetings to you.
Happy Easter Monday and a hug from me. Viola

Anni said...

Sorry I'm late arriving to AND SLOW computer connection yesterday. Thanks for sharing your link!

Birds bring me joy too. Magnificent post

Jeanie said...

So sad -- it's very hard to see that go. How beautiful.

And the birds -- as always, your nature photography dazzles!

Nancy Chan said...

Not easy to cut and get rid of old bougainvillea tree because of the thorns. I got rid of mine because I have been pricked when I tried trimming the branches. But I have to admit that when they are in full bloom they are beautiful and showy. Cute squirrel.

John's Island said...

Hello Sonjia 😊
Despite the sad occasion of your bougainvillea being cut down, you turned the event into an interesting story. The plant was a true beauty when in good health just a couple of years ago. The flowers on your balcony are gorgeous and I just can’t get enough of your excellent bird photos. You have perfected photography of birds visiting your balcony. That naughty rascal squirrel definitely has a look of mischief on its face. Thank you, Sonjia, for another delightful post. And, as always, thank you for your kind and thoughtful comments on my blog. Wishing you a fine rest of the week and sending you best regards from Seattle!

La Biosfera de Lola said...

Querida Sonia que pena tener que cortar la buganvilla, pero tu jardín está precioso y lleno de aves y animalitos. Las fotos son geniales. Besos y abrazos

Veronica Lee said...

So sorry about your bougainvillea, Sonjia.

It really was beautiful.

Hugs and blessings

NatureFootstep said...

bougainvillea are beautiful when flowering but then hard to handle it seems.
Loved the beautiful balcony flowers. They are gorgeous.
And you seem to have very nice crittersand birds around you. :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Very belated Easter and joyful Spring wishes Sonjia. Your flowers are beautiful and the Passion Flower perfect for this time of year. It is a shame that your bouganvillia succumbed to a nasty fungus but I am glad you preserved it in your pictures when it was in its prime. I love your deck as always.

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