Friday, 4 May 2018

The Egyptian Grasshopper 2

Hello again! I'm sorry not to have been in touch, but ill health has kept me away. I'm only now beginning to feel a little better, but not up to visiting just yet. I just thought that I would  let you know. All these photos were taken in the garden this year, when I was deadheading some Hydrangeas. The green grasshopper gave me quite a start, as I only saw it just before I was about to cut off the flower. It is only my second sighting of the Egyptian Grasshopper, the first being in the Algarve wetlands, in April last year. I will resume regular blogging, as soon as I'm able to visit you all.:)

The Egyptian Grasshopper   Anacridium  aegyptium

This is the female. The males are not so decorative,

In this shot you can see that the hind tibia, has two rows of spines.....

These spiny projections on the underside of the legs, help them to cling to vertical surfaces.

The large impressive female grasshopper is one of the largest European Grasshoppers.

They are harmless to humans, and although the species is folivore, they do very little damage to leaves.

This one was olive green in colour, but they can be grey or brown.

They fly very well,, but thankfully this one stayed still as I took these shots.

The pronuptum, ( the shield type shape behind the head,) is distinctly ridged, like plates of armour.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

He truly is quite handsome... and your photos are so clear and sharp and beautiful, i keep waiting for him to jump out on my keyboard. sorry you are ill, and happy to see this post pop up. hope you are better soon

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Be well. We’ll be thinking of you.

sami niilola said...

Grasshopper looks really big. Awesome photos.

matti niilola said...

I hope you'll be getting better soon. Your photos are great.

LV said...

What a great, interesting and informative post. Never would have know of this creature without you. Thanks and trust you will soon be much better. Back issues are a pain. My sister has some but not to the degree you have.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Those eyes :-O

Mike Attwood said...

Hi Sonjia, Sorry to hear that you haven't been well. Your absense told me something was wrong. I hope you are feeling better now. Are you trying to compete with my egyptian geese with you egyptian grasshopper.
Best wishes, Mike.

Teresa said...

Me alegra verte. Las fotos son muy buenas. Besitos y sigue mejorando.

Len said...

Amazingly clear photographs. I have never seen such detail of any grasshoppers before and you are so knowledgeable too. Thanks for educating me! I am also glad that you are getting better. Our weather here in England has improved dramatically.No rain is forecast for 2 weeks!

Nick Morgan said...

I hope you are feeling better soon Sonjia.

hmuxo said...

Wow! You always seem to capture these beautiful photos, Sonjia!!!! Maybe you should work for National Geography!!! I hope you start feeling better soon, my friend! We're here when you feel 100%... Sending hugs...

A Colorful World said...

So sorry you haven't been well! Hope you mend soon. Your beautiful shots of the grasshopper in the dead hydrangeas are just wonderful!

Lowcarb team member said...

I'm so sorry to read you have been unwell ... hope things are beginning to improve. Sending get well wishes to you.

I did enjoy seeing your selection of grasshopper photographs, thank you.

All the best Jan

Jeevan said...

Excellent capture and details on the grasshopper.. and also learned a bit about its nature. I have seen big grasshopper in our garden pants, cutting the leaves of plants in different shapes. Glad you have stepped forward at least to make post :) Hope you get well soon and enjoy blogging

Shiju Sugunan said...

He looks prehistoric!

Angie said...

Now, THAT is a grasshopper! I can see why it would give you a start ... how blessed you are that he posed so nicely for this terrific series of shots!!!

La Biosfera de Lola said...

Querida amiga enhorabuena por tan espectaculares fotos, son increíbles. Besos.

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Hello!!!gorgeous photos !!.. Take care.. A hug

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That's a monster grasshopper!! I am so sorry you've been ill and hope you are back to yourself soon. Thank you for letting us know!!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, these are amazing closeups of the grasshopper. Great sighting and photos. I hope you are feeling well and recovered. I am sorry to be so late commenting. I just got home from our road trip and I am now trying to catch up on my commenting. Thanks so much for linking up your post. Have a happy day and weekend ahead.

Klara S said...

Wonderful macros.

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