Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Flycatchers Black Redstarts Butterflies and Grasshoppers.

We are still seeing a number of  Flycatcher's and  Black Redstart's
on the farm, but soon they will be leaving us to overwinter in Africa. 

A few butterflies can still be seen, but they are mostly the less colourful ones.

Click on the links below if you would like to see more birds and other critters from around the world, and my thanks to our gracious hosts, Stewart, Eileen, and Anni WILD BIRD WEDNESDAYS


riitta k said...

Your photos are just lovely! Cute birds and beautiful butterflies. Enjoy your week!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your blog is perfectly names, these are all breathtaking photos. who knew a grasshopper could be so beautiful and I love the butterfly that looks like a leaf on the tree it is on.

Linda said...

What a gorgeous series! I feel as though I am right there with you enjoying all this beauty! Thank you so much for sharing.

matti niilola said...

Wow. I like a lot your photos. They are absolutely stunning.

Bob Bushell said...

Fantastic photos, the birds, butterflies and grasshopper, I love them.

Teresa said...

Las fotos están preciosas. Besos.

Christine said...

Hello! Such clear sharp shots! These are wonderful creatures and the detail of the grasshopper is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Your photos are superb. I enjoyed your post very much.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The birds are wonderful and it is so amazing to think of their migration journey! And are those grasshoppers in those middle pictures? Wow.

Richard Pegler said...

How wonderful that you are still seeing Spotted Flycatchers, Sonjia. Ours headed south some time ago! I love your other images too. Best wishes - - Richard

Breathtaking said...

Sally (FullTime-Life)

Yes Sally, they are grasshoppers, ...they are usually one jump ahead of me, every time I try to photograph them!:)

Debbie said...

Sweet birds, your images are so crisp and clear. I miss my migrating birds when they leave for winter, but enough stay here to keep me company!!

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful shots and such a sweet looking bird!

Small Kucing said...

Less colourful butterflies but still beautiful on its own.

Bethany Carson said...

Love the flowers, birds, and butterflies! You always find so much wonderful beauty to share with us.

Len said...

I wish I could be with you to see these creatures. Lovely photos.

NatureFootstep said...

a couple of years ago I run a meme called Winged. This post would have been perfect for that one :) Love all of your subjects :)

This N That said...

Wonderful photos..have a good week..

sami niilola said...

Hello. You have the awesome photos to your blog

Wendy said...

Beautiful photos of the wildlife on the farm.

Nancy Chan said...

Lovely critters. Cute birds and pretty butterflies. Have a wonderful day!

Mike Attwood said...

Once again excellent photo's. I envy you Sonjia, I still can't find anything to photograph. Take care, Mike.

hmuxo said...

Amazing photography, Sonjia! I love the butterflies!!!!!

DeniseinVA said...

Oh my, a truly marvelous series of photos. Thank you so much for sharing them.

Prunella Pepperpot said...

Stunning photos of beautifu birds, butterflies and moths. They make wonderful photographic subjects. Thank you so much for sharing :)

Christian Perrin said...

Crazy to think such little birds fly such a huge distance! Lovely photos :)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Wow, quite a contrast between your place and ours. It is beautiful here, but we are well into fall with stunning colours on the trees. It's a dramatic and lovely time of year but it presages winter and that can be a challenge sometimes!

Mostly.Nature said...

A wonderful set of photos. Love the butterflies.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, your Redstart and Flycatchers are beautiful. Lovely images of the butterflies and birds. Thank you for linking up and sharing you post! Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Breathtaking photos, as always! :)

Brown Eyes said...

Beautiful. The pictures are wonderful.

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Such beautiful pictures you are sharing. Stunning.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The butterfly that is almost solid white is striking! Love your close ups...they are always so clear and crisp! You are an amazing photographer! Hugs!

Anni said...

Wonderful portraits of both butterflies and birds!!! Wish some would come our way tho. lol

Thanks so much for joining in with us birders this weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin'....it's always a pleasure.

Phil Slade said...

Nice work. I see you now have Pied and Spotted Flycatchers in your garden.

I was very interested in your comment about your local birds ignoring the Niger. Here all finches seem to go for it as well as sparrows, buntings, pigeons and doves but not warblers obviously. I am wondering if your local birds in such a warm climate are accustomed or need to visit gardens as in Portugal there is a ready supply of food in all seasons? Here that is not so in many months of the year.

Also, is there a custom in Iberia of feeding birds? In my years of visiting Spain and Menorca I don't think I have ever seen anyone employing bird feeders. It could be that your birds need educating about using gardens!

In the UK and America feding birds is big business to companies who see bird food by the sack and feeders galore of all shapes and sizes.

Helma said...

Great to see the black redstart.
Beautiful pictures of these beautiful birds and butterflies you've photographed beautifully. You should therefore very beautiful again :-)
I enjoyed it.

Jeanne said...

Your birds and butterflies are lovely , but have to say I especially love your great macro of the grasshopper! Visiting from Id rather be birding

Phil Slade said...

Hello again Sonija. I forgot to say how lovely your flowers and insect pictures are. I wish we had decent size grasshoppers in the UK!
Good luck with your bird feeding. I hope it works out for you.

Can I suggest that you try a specialist mix of bird seed in your garden, if such a thing is readily available locally? Some idea of what is on offer here - http://www.bamfords.co.uk/products/wild-birds/

Looks like we may have identified a little sideline/business opportunity for you by interesting your neighbours in feeding birds in their own gardens and buying the goods from you.


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