One of the many highlights of this holiday was an impromptu visit to my first bird ringing session. One Thursday morning we were enjoying a country walk, on a narrow dirt road near the Alvor - Estuary, when we encountered a lovely Quinta with various messages pinned to a notice board at the gate. One read, Birds Seen This Week, with an impressive list of birds I had never heard of, but the message that really caught my full attention was an invitation to see a bird ringing demonstration every Thursday, throughout the year, at (10.00 - 12.30). I looked at my watch, it was 10.30 am, and as there was another sign which indicated that dogs were not allowed, Americo said go darling, I'll look after Mel.
The adult female Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius
It's a long-bodied, tapered, thrush-like bird, with a long bill, and dark brown above, and dusky buff below, with close dark bars.
The Serin Serinus serinus. We see plenty of these little birds on the farm. It's a greenish/yellowish, streaky finch.
If my memory serves me correctly, this is a juvenile Goldfinch.
I can't remember the name of this camera shy bird., but I'm leaning towards some kind of Warbler! I have since been reliably informed that it is indeed a Warbler called the Whitethroat.
The Waxbill Estrida astrid
It's only a small bird but very pretty, and I managed to photograph some in the wild during our stay.
Another Goldfinch picture.
"A Rocha" is an international Christian organization which cares for the environment, and is represented in twenty countries. If you would like to know more about it, here is the link click EN to read in English, and see the video.
As a late comer, I had to wait until the bird ringing demo had finished to meet some of the team, and a dozen or so other people who had gone to see the demonstration. Tea, coffee, and cakes were served, and everyone was very friendly, and I had a very warm welcome from some of the team members. Here, you can see a gentleman giving a donation of 2 thousand euros to organize group bus trips for school children, so that they too can see a bird ringing sessions, as many schools just cant afford to do this. They would also be able see the exhibition room where nature lectures take place, and also learn more about how to help the environment. Starting at an early age to appreciate and care for our planet is essential. I had a lovely time and as I left the gate and made my way to the car, hubby was all smiles, when he saw me grinning at him from ear to ear.
Another shot of image number 5, the Whitethroat. My thanks to Phil Slade for the ID.
Linking up with Wild bird Wednesday, Saturdays Critters and I'd Rather B Birdin.
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