The Purple-shot Copper ( L. a gordius)
It's now been two years and thirty days since I started my blog. It was a Mother's Day present from my
daughter, and one of the nicest gifts I have ever received, and one that continues to give me pleasure. She helped me set it up, and even chose the header photograph, one she already had in her possession. I have kept the same header all this time for sentimental reasons, but now think it's about time I changed it every so often,:)) especially since I feel my photography has improved a little. You still won't always see sharp images, but I hope you will see beauty.
The Purple-shot Copper have upperwings that are coppery orange and dark-spotted in males, but orange-brown with dark spots in females. Both have violet sheen.Found in mountain meadows.Wingspan 4cm, and flight period from June to July.