Wednesday, 28 August 2013

An Awesome Ruler

The Emperor Dragonfly   Anax imperator

An easily identified dragonfly by the blue abdomen with black line. It's the largest European dragonfly, and I was lucky to actually get a still shot, as it is very fast flying, and it led me a merry dance as I followed it around my garden:) It finally came to rest on top of the climbers on the pátio.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Beautiful Demoiselle 2

The Female Beautiful Demoiselle    Camopteryx virgo 
Thank you all so much for all your generous comments whilst I was away on vacation. It was a restful holiday and I will be showing you some of the photos I took, but for the moment want to show you a few dragonflies that came to my garden before I left. Will be catching up with all your blogs as soon as possible:) The Beautiful Demoiselle is a European damselfly.They measure 30 to 40mm in lengh. The females are a metalic greenish-bronze with brown tinted wings, each with a white stigma. They can be seen flying and resting by fast to medium flowing streams.The females lay up to 300 eggs at a time on submerged vegetation.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Marbled Marvel

The Western Marbled White
Melanargia occitanic


I will be taking a vacation for a few weeks but will leave you with these photos of the Western Marbled White which is 27mm, and it's wing span is 5-5,5cm. Flight period is May to July,and range SW Europe, from Portugal to W Italy. Frequents grassy hillsides and meadows on lower mountain slopes, from 1,000m to 1,500m. I wish you all a happy weekend, and happy snapping. Will catch up with all your blogs on my return.
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